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Hi everybody,

I have the following error. I report it on bug tracker but will now no answer. If some body can help me whould be very good!!!
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First of all when i'm going to processes menu, it's appearing on the screen, upper the login logo, the following error:

Notice: Undefined index: PRO_TITLE in C:\ProcessMaker\apps\processmaker\htdocs\workflow\engine\classes\class.processMap.php on line 2191

Notice: Undefined index: PRO_DESCRIPTION in C:\ProcessMaker\apps\processmaker\htdocs\workflow\engine\classes\class.processMap.php on line 2192

Notice: Undefined index: PRO_TITLE in C:\ProcessMaker\apps\processmaker\htdocs\workflow\engine\classes\class.processMap.php on line 2191

Notice: Undefined index: PRO_DESCRIPTION in C:\ProcessMaker\apps\processmaker\htdocs\workflow\engine\classes\class.processMap.php on line 2192

I don't know if this is relationed with the error that i will explain now.

I'm creating a simple process, 2 dynas, 2 task and exporting it.
in English works good. In portuguese and spanish when i'm importing is appearing the error that i'm showing on the images attached (PT and SPANISH).

I imported this file languages from sourceforge. I exported and imported both also. Everything continues the same.

Could somebody say me if this is a bug ? It's missing me some step ? It happen to someone of you?

Thanks .


This problem is pcaused by this bug:
You probably created different titles and descriptions in the English, Spanish and Portuguese versions, but the exported process only contains one of those languages. If you log in with another language, you will see this error message because it expects the translation to be available, but it wasn't imported. Switch back to the language from which you imported the process, and the error messages will go away. Hopefully this will get fixed in the next release.
First of all thanks for the answer.

NOw it makes clear to me about that messages that appear.

About some second point, i was not explaining good and not attaching the files that you could see whats going on.

The point is like, i'm creating now a case to test. Process with 2 tasks and 1 dynaform in each task, associating users to task.
Then Exporting it. Trying to import in the same language, and it happens to me that in the menu that appear some options indicating that already exists a process with that name, and what i want to do, dont appear me this options. Just on english appear me this options.
No radio buttons and no messages. Very strange.

Created even one process in another language and made the same steps like i explained before, and just appear the option on english mode.

Could you simulate it? In some test environment and help me? I was trying and it seems very strange and big problem.

It is strange for me that nobody needed yet to import and export processes.

P.S. In are the images that shows what happen.

Thanks for the help.


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