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By laraujo

I'm trying to change the light blue background color in a title. I know this should be done on the XML tab enabling HTML. So far I've only managed to change the font color, and it looks like this:

<Label type="title" enablehtml="1">
<en><![CDATA[<font color="#00FF00">TEXT</font>]]></en>

Can anyone help me with this!

thanks in advance!

P.S. I don't want to solve this by changing the color in the CSS file because of some specifications of this particular project.
By laraujo
Hello again,

I already tried that. All it does is putting a background only on the text. My intention is to change the color of changing the entire title bar, the light-blue colored one.

Is it possible to do that?
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By amosbatto
In that case you need to change the bgcolor for the table cell which has the title. Go to the HTML tab and activate the checkbox "Enable HTML Editing". Then go into the html and find the cell holding the title. Erase the class definition for the cell and add a bgcolor attribute.

For instance, change:
<td class="FormTitle" colspan="2" align="">{$form.MyTitle}</td>
<td bgcolor="#00FF00" colspan="2" align="">{$form.MyTitle}</td>
By mathew
Hello All
I am Mathew,I am not aware of HTML Tag and I want to Include the Marquee tag for Image in my page if you any one have idea for that so please reply me,Actually I know the basic Tag of HTML,Give some code with soon as posible.
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By amosbatto
You can stick a <marquee> tag in the top and bottom of the form by directly editing the HTML. If you want to stick the <marquee> tag in the middle of the form, you will have to create a new row in the table. Something like this:
Code: Select all
    <td colspan="2"> 
         <marquee behavior="SCROLL" direction="RIGHT" width="100%" bgcolor="yellow">This is an example of a marquee scrolling to the right...</marquee>
The marquee text doesn't scroll in the "Preview" tab of the DynaForm designer, but it should scroll when the DynaForm is displayed while running a case.

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