Share ideas, ask questions, and get feedback about developing for ProcessMaker
Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
As many of you who follow this forum have noticed, every version of ProcessMaker seems to introduce new bugs. Some of these bugs are rather serious, such as the ones that nelson just found in version 1-2.2838.

With a small development team, ProcessMaker doesn't have much extra manpower to exhaustively test each new release. We have developed a test unit to run sample cases with web services and make sure that processes run correctly, but this doesn't test the ProcessMaker interface and it will miss many types of bugs such as problems with DynaForms and bugs like the ones Nelson found. We have been trying to diligently test all the new features in each new release (believe me we found a whole bunch of bugs and squashed them by testing release 1-2.2838), but some bugs just aren't apparent until a large number of people start running real processes on ProcessMaker.

Currently ProcessMaker doesn't have a public beta testing program for each new release, because ProcessMaker doesn't currently have a way to roll-back to a previous version if a problem arises. However, I was thinking that it wouldn't be that hard to add a new feature which would make a clone of ProcessMaker's code and process data, so people could do beta testing on that clone without worrying about their processes which are already in production.

The bigger question is whether enough people who use and care about ProcessMaker would be willing to volunteer to beta test the new versions of ProcessMaker to help catch bugs. I realize that ProcessMaker isn't the most exciting piece of software. It doesn't exactly arouse the same levels of personal interest and passion as the latest Linux kernel modules or first-person-shooter games. Still, ProcessMaker is critical for the people who use it.

My question for all of you who use ProcessMaker is whether you would be willing to participate in beta testing of new versions of ProcessMaker. If you would be interested, how would you like the beta testing to be conducted?

I haven't discussed this idea with any of the ProcessMaker developers yet, but I would like to know if people in the community would be willing to do beta-testing. If nobody seems interested here in the forum, I won't bother suggesting the idea to the developers.

What do you all think?
My opinion is that no matter how many people test it, it will be difficult to cover all situations.

Automated unit tests (scripting) is what I would choose.

Something like:
1. Install from scratch
2. Script create users
3. Script import processes
4. Script run some cases


100000. check whatever test criteria
gosmart wrote:Automated unit tests (scripting) is what I would choose.
Something like:
1. Install from scratch
2. Script create users
3. Script import processes
4. Script run some cases
Basically that is what our test unit does. It creates users, imports processes, creates cases, runs triggers, etc. It tests everything which can be automated with web services. But it doesn't catch the majority of bugs. :-( The only thing it doesn't do is automate the installation process (at least I don't think it does-- I haven't examined the code to make sure).
amosbatto wrote: But it doesn't catch the majority of bugs. :-(
Only way is to extend it in time with unit tests, to test for known bugs.

My opinion is that very few people would do such testing for nothing. Some might do it for the glory, some for money.
Usually costs.

Sorry, this may sound like I am an expert.
I have never done such thing in my career, because distribution of our application was to one client only, so this wouldn't be feasible.
I've been checking commercial solutions that existed at that time, but it was overly expensive for us.
I don't know what is available on the market now. (Open source?)
Hello AmmosBatto I will help you to be a beta tester developer I have being using ProcessMaker long enough and with the help of Patty our company is running very stable the process we created and learned a lot on the summer support so go ahead and count with me. :)
Hi All,
Thanks to everyone who has indicated interest in testing our new versions of ProcessMaker. We have decided to create a Stable Version of ProcessMaker and a Development Version. See this post.

People who chose to use the Development Version can help test out the new features in ProcessMaker and help report all the bugs. We will also have public beta testing of our upcoming Stable Version of ProcessMaker. You can download the First Release Candidate for ProcessMaker Stable Version at:

If you would like to test the Release Candidates for the Stable Version, please install it in a separate installation of ProcessMaker, so it won't screw up your existing installation.
If you find a bug, please report them at

Happy Bug Testing,
Amos Batto
ProcessMaker Community Lead
Last edited by amosbatto on Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

I don't know if you have seen this, but ProcessMaker looks exceptionally suited for something like this...

It could help ensure the UI works in an automated fashion, since your old processes won't change, you can make one for each of your test processes, and only have to do any more work on the test scripts when you make a new process for new features.

Just figured I would throw that out there for you.

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