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By Pradeep

If we have a grid with multiple columns and rows, how can we access the field value of a particular row and column and use that value while writing derivation rules.

Is there any function to retrieve number of rows in a grid.

Thanks in advance

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By amosbatto
Sorry that it took me so long to get around to answering this one.

If you have a grid object named "Items" in the master form and it contains the field "Cost", then you can access the first and second rows in the grid like this in a trigger:
Code: Select all
$CostInFirstRow = @=Items[1]['Cost'];
$CostInSecondRow = @=Items[2]['Cost'];
Note that the grid starts counting from 1, and not 0 like a normal array. If you try to access Items[0]['Cost'] you will get a NULL value. Make sure to embed the grid form in a master form. Note that I use @= (instead of @@) to access the variable because I don't want to add quotes to it.

If you want to sum the cost field you could do it like this:
Code: Select all
$lenGrid = count(@=Items);
@=sumGrid = 0; 
for ($x = 1; $x <= $lenGrid; $x++)
    @=sumGrid += @=Items[$x]['Cost'];
Nonetheless, it isn't necessary to write php code to do this. ProcessMaker will automatically sum a column in a grid if you add the option function="sum" to the XML definition of the field in the grid form. Here is the sample XML code for a field named "Cost":
Code: Select all
<Cost type="text" maxlength="64" validate="Real" size="1" mode="edit" function="sum" mask="" strto="" required="0" readonly="0" dependentfields="" defaultvalue="" sqlconnection="" savelabel="0">  <en>Cost</en>
In the master grid form, the sum will automatically be calculated and displayed below the embedded grid object. (To see an example of this and some javascript to control grid objects, download the process "JS Examples" from
ProcessMaker will automatically create a variable called @=SYS_GRID_AGGREGATE_Items_Cost which you can access from triggers or in subsequent DynaForms if you create a Textbox with the same name.
By fiqihpunya
amosbatto wrote: Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:05 am Sorry that it took me so long to get around to answering this one.

If you have a grid object named "Items" in the master form and it contains the field "Cost", then you can access the first and second rows in the grid like this in a trigger:
Code: Select all
$CostInFirstRow = @=Items[1]['Cost'];
$CostInSecondRow = @=Items[2]['Cost'];
Note that the grid starts counting from 1, and not 0 like a normal array. If you try to access Items[0]['Cost'] you will get a NULL value. Make sure to embed the grid form in a master form. Note that I use @= (instead of @@) to access the variable because I don't want to add quotes to it.

If you want to sum the cost field you could do it like this:
Code: Select all
$lenGrid = count(@=Items);
@=sumGrid = 0; 
for ($x = 1; $x <= $lenGrid; $x++)
    @=sumGrid += @=Items[$x]['Cost'];
Nonetheless, it isn't necessary to write php code to do this. ProcessMaker will automatically sum a column in a grid if you add the option function="sum" to the XML definition of the field in the grid form. Here is the sample XML code for a field named "Cost":
Code: Select all
<Cost type="text" maxlength="64" validate="Real" size="1" mode="edit" function="sum" mask="" strto="" required="0" readonly="0" dependentfields="" defaultvalue="" sqlconnection="" savelabel="0">  <en>Cost</en>
In the master grid form, the sum will automatically be calculated and displayed below the embedded grid object. (To see an example of this and some javascript to control grid objects, download the process "JS Examples" from
ProcessMaker will automatically create a variable called @=SYS_GRID_AGGREGATE_Items_Cost which you can access from triggers or in subsequent DynaForms if you create a Textbox with the same name.
Hallo, amosbatto, i have a grid with 14 columns, and i try to import excel file to grid within 60 rows of data, and then when i try to input that grid values into database, only a portion of it entered.

How did it happen?
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By amosbatto
fiqihpunya wrote: i have a grid with 14 columns, and i try to import excel file to grid within 60 rows of data, and then when i try to input that grid values into database, only a portion of it entered.

How did it happen?
max_input_vars is probably limiting the number of input fields that you can save from the Dynaform.
Edit your php.ini file and add these settings:
Code: Select all
max_input_vars = 10000
post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
max_file_uploads = 300
After modifying these settings, restart Apache.

Does that fix it?
By fiqihpunya
amosbatto wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:05 pm
fiqihpunya wrote: i have a grid with 14 columns, and i try to import excel file to grid within 60 rows of data, and then when i try to input that grid values into database, only a portion of it entered.

How did it happen?
max_input_vars is probably limiting the number of input fields that you can save from the Dynaform.
Edit your php.ini file and add these settings:
Code: Select all
max_input_vars = 10000
post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
max_file_uploads = 300
After modifying these settings, restart Apache.

Does that fix it?
it was fixed, thank amos<<

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