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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By jimm27
I'm very interesting in your product. I really like to have all in the Web interface and the integration with Active Directory works well.
The only thing to make it append in my company is to let me install it on Microsoft SQL server 2005. All data is already there, It will be easier to create trigger and Data source if the application is natively in MSSQL. Do you know exacly when this will be possible?
The ProcessMaker [ ... er_RoadMap roadmap] lists "Improvements to DB Independence with focus on Oracle and MsSQL Backends" for the fourth quarter of 2009.

Until then, you will have to use ODBC or some other method to access the MySQL data from your MS SQL Server database.
Last edited by amosbatto on Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hi everybody,

I'm new in this forum and I have to say that processmaker it's a good tool, then I have a question and i want to search for some help. The question is: ¿Is it possible to connect ProcessMaker with a data source from MS Access? If it's possible ¿How can I achieve this?... I have one MS Access File and I Wan't to send and recover some information from ProcessMaker to this file of MS Access, obviously this file is in the same server that ProcessMaker.
Please if anyone knows how to do this I'll thank for information.
Thanks a lot amosbatto...
I have another question related with the same topic... Can I configure this conection like a new database source from the database submenu of the processmaker? As a PosgreSql Engine or my SQL Engine comes by default.
I mean that, if i can add another engine in that list, but i must have to be a source from MS Access... I'll thank for some help.
Unfortuantely, you can't configure the connection to an Access database using a ProcessMaker [url]DATABASE CONNECTION[/url]. You will have to access the data through obdc_connect, then stick the data into case variables, in order to display it in DynaForm fields or write it to Output Documents. To get an idea of how to put data from a database query with obdc_connect() and then stick it into case variables, see the examples for executeQuery(). It should be similar.

BTW, the reason that ProcessMaker doesn't support Access databases is because it uses Propel to do external database connections and Propel doesn't support Access. See:

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