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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By hammami

i create a Cron in processMaker and an other cron in my server, the processMaker is protected (https), when is chek my server to excute the cron i see that the processMaker is public (http) not https and the cron didn't work.

Can you helpe me
By Adrian
Hello the team and i were checking your case and we found a solution that might suit,
please add some code as we suggest on our wiki site, follow the next URL: ... to_use_SSL

follow the instructions and let us know if this solved your problem, if there is something else we can assist you with just contact us.

By hammami

I configurate my server with SSl But when the cron sttart i have this message:

* Executing the scheduled starting cases...................... [0;35;32m[PROCESSING] [0m
- Connecting webservice: http://Myserver:443/sysWorkspace/en/cla ... ices/wsdl2
[0;35;31m[WITH ERRORS] [0m
[0;35;31m '-SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://Myserver:443/sysWorkspace/en/cla ... ices/wsdl2' : failed to load external entity "http://Myserver:443/sysWorkspace/en/cla ... ices/wsdl2"

The problem is the link of processMaker is (https) on the cron it excute as http.
By Adrian
Hello the team and i checked your case and we think you can do the following
1.- login into processmaker as ADMIN
2.- Go to your ADMIN tab
3.- Go to Web Services Test option
4.-Click on Setup and a little pop up window will appear with the Client Setup label on the top
5.- The first Option is a dropdown box that show HTTP by default, open it and select HTTPS, there is other options there and you might configure them as well as you need but the only thing you need according to the team is to change the Protocol field value.

hope this helps you to solve the problem and let us know if you need any further help.

Capture.PNG (63.49 KiB) Viewed 5775 times
By hammami

I did this, the problem is i can change the Protocol from http to https. but when i logout from processMaker and log in again as Admin i found that it's Http not Https.

Can you help me
By hammami

I change Http to Https on processMaker but wheni logIn again i found that it's http

this pic show that i change the protocol
change.jpg (84.28 KiB) Viewed 5763 times
this pic is one minute when i logout and logIn again in processMaker as Admin
afterchange.jpg (79.6 KiB) Viewed 5762 times
i think the problem is from the Cron file (CaseScheduler.php). i found that the declaration of the protocol is static (http), as i show on this next pic
casescheduler.jpg (158.12 KiB) Viewed 5755 times

Can you help me

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