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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By Phileas
Mysql is perfect and universal default choice for one server installation. ProcessMaker support it and some others.

But when time come to rely on :

- High Availability (load-balanced, fault-tolerant and continuous service availability)

- Broker failover ( a list of alternative hosts where brokers are listening for incoming requests)

- Server failover (When a master node is unresponsive, the first of the slave nodes will get promoted to a master role)

- Scalability and maintainability (Database sharding, online, offline and incremental backup)

We have a free DB bringing all this and more, available for linux and windows in 32 & 64 bits editions, having nice graphical user interface tools, supported by libraries such as RedBeanPHP and so on.

It's called Cubrid and provides api for JDBC, PHP/PDO driver, ODBC, OLEDB, ADO.NET, Ruby driver, Python driver, Node.js driver, and Perl driver.

I suggest it's support for ProcessMaker Database Clustering ... se_Cluster
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By liliana
Hi Phileas,

Thanks for your suggestion, now we are running some tests and your suggestions is great, I'll send this to Dev and QA team to have it evaluated.

Best Regards.
By Phileas
Thanks. As :
- Colosa is focused on performance, performance, performance since quite some releases,
- wiki relates interests into "Load Balancing", "Database Clustering" and soon "ProcessMaker Server Sizing"

i thought if was the good time for this suggestion for pushing Processmaker into another level of performance and high availability.
By kadishmal
Hello Phileas,

This is Esen from CUBRID team. Thank you for this request. I haven't heard of ProcessMaker but I will be glad to assist if liliana or their team have questions.

By Phileas
Thanks you for your assistance offer Esen, that may drive to a faster adoption i hope.
Maybe Liliana will have interesting feedbacks from the team on this subjects.

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