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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By mozy2012
I searched the forum for an answer to this but the search results didnt help that much.

I know that PM is not the best tool for my purpose but i can't help that right now. I am looking for a way to run cases without any intervention by a user, just straight through processing. I want to have a listener process that is getting messages from "somewhere" , doesnt matter and then fires off new case instances for each message. But I don't want either the tasks in the listener process or the taks in the new cases I am creating have any user intervention. For all I care the only user could be admin, but I don't want to have to go to the case list to launch the task.

I have seen others make this request as well. I have tried PMDerivateCase with no success in trying to subvert the intervention. It would seem simple enough to have this feature- launching tasks automatically versus having user intervention.

I look forward to some good responses.


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By amosbatto
You should probably write an external script which remotely controls processmaker with web services. You can remotely login, start a new case , send data to the case with sendVariables() and route (derivate) the case with routeCase(). You won't be able see ProcessMaker doing this visually in the GUI, so you will have to watch the return values for each web service function to figure out if it is working correctly. If you want to be inside the ProcessMaker GUI when this happens, then you might want to try using something like iMacros, which is a plugin for FireFox to automatically enter data into web pages.

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