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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
Hi everybody,

As it's possible to access the RP database from a trigger (just by adding the parameter "rp" in the "executeQuery"), is it possible to access the RP database to populate a drop-down list in a DynaForm, without hard coding a DB connection ?

Or, on the other hand, is it possible to "soft" code the DB connexion (server, database, user, etc.), in the same way than the DB parameter in the executeQuery ?

Thank you for any ideas.

PM yours

Andre Tissot
If you want to access the rp database in a dropdown list, open the process, go to the "DATABASE CONNECTIONS" tab, click "New" and create a new database connection to the rp_<WORKSPACE> database (probably called "rp_workflow") in MySQL. Then go to the DynaForm Editor and select that database for the dropdown box's "Sql Connection". See: ... Connection
amosbatto wrote:If you want to access the rp database in a dropdown list, open the process, go to the "DATABASE CONNECTIONS" tab, click "New" and create a new database connection to the rp_<WORKSPACE> database (probably called "rp_workflow") in MySQL. Then go to the DynaForm Editor and select that database for the dropdown box's "Sql Connection". See: ... Connection
Hi amosbatto,

I'd processed as described, and it works fine, but it's not really relevant for me, because the server name, the password are hard coded in the DB connection (I'd gatherd these data form the DP.PHP file in the PM tree).
But when I export my process to another server, I don't want to change the server name nor the password.

That's the reason why I want to "soft" code these data, in the same way than the second parameter in the "executeQuery" in a trigger.

Thank for your answer.

Andre Tissot

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