Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker 2: user interface, running cases and functionality
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By hug0tux
I'm not an advance php developer but I manage to add an item to the menu section in supervisor options. What i want to do is to put a section where que supervisor can see what cases hasn´t been notified yet about the resolution, but when i add an extra condition or filter it shows nothing, i'll try to explain it as best as i can.

Basically i copied the code for review option (to_revise) in workflow/engine/classes/model/AppCacheView.php and change the name to "getNoNotificado".
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function getListCounters ( $type, $userUid, $processSummary ) {
  	switch ( $type ) {
                case 'no_notificado' :
  	    $Criteria = $this->getNoNotificadoCountCriteria( $userUid );
    return AppCacheViewPeer::doCount($Criteria);
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function getNoNotificado ( $userUid, $doCount ) {
  	require_once 'classes/model/ProcessUser.php';
    // adding configuration fields from the configuration options
    // and forming the criteria object
    $oCriteria  = new Criteria('workflow');
    $oCriteria->add(ProcessUserPeer::USR_UID, $userUid );
    $oCriteria->add(ProcessUserPeer::PU_TYPE, 'SUPERVISOR');
    $oDataset = ProcessUserPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
    $aProcesses = array();
    while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
        $aProcesses[] = $aRow['PRO_UID'];

    if ( $doCount && !isset($this->confCasesList['PMTable']) && !empty($this->confCasesList['PMTable'])) {
      $c  = new Criteria('workflow');
    else {
      $c = $this->addPMFieldsToCriteria('todo');
    $c->add(AppCacheViewPeer::PRO_UID,                  $aProcesses, Criteria::IN);
    $c->add(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_STATUS,               'TO_DO');    
    $c->add(AppCacheViewPeer::DEL_FINISH_DATE,   null,Criteria::ISNULL);
    $c->add(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_THREAD_STATUS, 'OPEN');
    $c->add(AppCacheViewPeer::DEL_THREAD_STATUS, 'OPEN');
    //$c->add(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_NOTIFICACION_ENTREGA, 'NO_NOTIFICADO');    /*<------- This is the filfer or condition i want to add, explication is coming*/

    return $c;

   * gets the ToRevise cases list criteria for count
   * param $userUid the current userUid
   * @return Criteria object $Criteria
  function getNoNotificadoCountCriteria ($userUid) {
  	return $this->getNoNotificado($userUid, true);

   * gets the PAUSED cases list criteria for list
   * param $userUid the current userUid
   * @return Criteria object $Criteria
  function getNoNotificadoListCriteria ($userUid) {
  	return $this->getNoNotificado($userUid, false);
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public function getDefaultFields (){
    return array (
I olso added a field in database (WORKFLOW.APP_CACHE_VIEW table) where i store if case has been notified or not.

In workflow\engine\methods\cases\casesListExtJs.php i olso copied the code of "to_revise".
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function getProcessArray ( $action, $userUid ) {
    switch ( $action ) {
      case 'no_notificado' :
           $cProcess      = $oAppCache->getNoNotificadoListCriteria($userUid);


    return $processes;
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function getStatusArray ( $action, $userUid ) {
    switch ( $action ) {
      case 'no_notificado' :
           $cStatus       = $oAppCache->getNoNotificadoListCriteria($userUid);
    return $status;
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function getNoNotificado() {
    $caseColumns = array ();
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => '#',                                  'dataIndex' => 'APP_NUMBER',      'width' => 45, 'align' => 'center');
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_SUMMARY'),    'dataIndex' => 'CASE_SUMMARY',     'width' => 45, 'align' => 'center',  'sorteable'=>false);
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASES_NOTES'), 'dataIndex' => 'CASE_NOTES_COUNT', 'width' => 45, 'align' => 'center',  'sorteable'=>false);
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASE'),        'dataIndex' => 'APP_TITLE',       'width' => 150 );
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => 'UserUid',                            'dataIndex' => 'USR_UID',         'width' => 50, 'hidden'=> true, 'hideable'=> false);
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => 'PreUsrUid',                          'dataIndex' => 'PREVIOUS_USR_UID','width' => 50, 'hidden'=> true, 'hideable'=> false);
    //$caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_PROCESS'),     'dataIndex' => 'APP_PRO_TITLE',   'width' => 120 , 'hidden'=> true); //Hugo lizama Comentado
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_TASK'),        'dataIndex' => 'APP_TAS_TITLE',   'width' => 120 );

    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_SENT_BY'),     'dataIndex' => 'ID_SENT_BY','width' => 90 );
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_CURRENT_USER'),'dataIndex' => 'APP_CURRENT_USER','width' => 90 );
//    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' =>'Sent By',      'dataIndex' => 'APP_DEL_PREVIOUS_USER', 'width' => 90 );
///--    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_LAST_MODIFY'), 'dataIndex' => 'APP_UPDATE_DATE', 'width' => 110 );
    //$caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_PRIORITY'),    'dataIndex' => 'DEL_PRIORITY',    'width' => 50 , 'hidden'=> true); //Hugo lizama Comentado
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_STATUS'),      'dataIndex' => 'APP_STATUS',      'width' => 50 );

    //Agregado Hugo Lizama
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ID_FINISH_DATE'),   'dataIndex' => 'FECHA_FINALIZACION',      'width' => 110 );
    $caseColumns[] = array( 'header' => G::LoadTranslation('ESTA_EN'),   'dataIndex' => 'ESTA_EN',      'width' => 110 );
    $caseReaderFields = array();
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_UID' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'USR_UID' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'PREVIOUS_USR_UID' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_NUMBER' );    
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'DEL_INDEX' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_TITLE' );
    //$caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_PRO_TITLE' ); //Hugo lizama Comentado
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_TAS_TITLE' );
//    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_DEL_PREVIOUS_USER' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_CURRENT_USER' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE' );
    //$caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_UPDATE_DATE' ); //Hugo lizama Comentado
    //$caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'DEL_PRIORITY' ); //Hugo lizama Comentado
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_STATUS' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'APP_FINISH_DATE' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'ID_SENT_BY' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'CASE_SUMMARY' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'CASE_NOTES_COUNT' );
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'FECHA_FINALIZACION' ); //Agregado Hugo Lizama
    $caseReaderFields[] = array( 'name' => 'ESTA_EN' ); //Agregado Hugo Lizama

    return array ( 'caseColumns' => $caseColumns, 'caseReaderFields' => $caseReaderFields, 'rowsperpage' => 20, 'dateformat' => 'M d, Y'  );
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function getAdditionalFields($action){
  switch ( $action ) {
    case 'no_notificado' :
      $config = getNoNotificado();
  return $config;
Until this part works fine and it shows the cases just like in review option but i want to add the filter i marked above. If i uncomment than line it shows nothing and that is the BIG problem i have.

I know it wouldn't magically work just like that, so i kept investigating and i found some more code to try.

In workflow\engine\classes\model\om\BaseAppCacheViewPeer.php added
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private static $fieldNames = array ( ..., 'AppOverduePercentage', 'AppNotificacionEntrega',), 
		..., 29, 30, )
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private static $fieldKeys = array (..., 'AppOverduePercentage' => 29, 'AppNotificacionEntrega'=>30,),
		..., AppCacheViewPeer::APP_OVERDUE_PERCENTAGE => 29, AppCacheViewPeer::APP_NOTIFICACION_ENTREGA=>30,),
		.., 29, 30,)
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public static function addSelectColumns(Criteria $criteria)
And the last file i modified is workflow\engine\classes\model\om\BaseAppCacheView.php
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protected $app_notificacion_entrega = '';
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public function getNotificacionEntrega()

		return $this->app_notificacion_entrega;
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public function setNotificacionEntrega($v)

		// Since the native PHP type for this column is string,
		// we will cast the input to a string (if it is not).
		if ($v !== null && !is_string($v)) {
			$v = (string) $v; 

		if ($this->app_notificacion_entrega !== $v || $v === '') {
			$this->app_notificacion_entrega = $v;
			$this->modifiedColumns[] = AppCacheViewPeer::APP_NOTIFICACION_ENTREGA;

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public function hydrate(ResultSet $rs, $startcol = 1)
		try {
                        $this->app_notificacion_entrega=$rs->getString($startcol + 30);

			return $startcol + 31; // 30 = AppCacheViewPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - AppCacheViewPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS).

		} catch (Exception $e) {
			throw new PropelException("Error populating AppCacheView object", $e);
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public function getByPosition($pos)
		switch($pos) {
                        case 30:
				return $this->getNotificacionEntrega();
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public function toArray($keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
                        $keys[30] => $this->getNotificacionEntrega(),
		return $result;
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public function setByPosition($pos, $value)
		switch($pos) {
                        case 30:
		} // switch()
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public function fromArray($arr, $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
		$keys = AppCacheViewPeer::getFieldNames($keyType);

                if (array_key_exists($keys[30], $arr)) $this->setNotificacionEntrega($arr[$keys[30]]);
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public function buildCriteria()
		$criteria = new Criteria(AppCacheViewPeer::DATABASE_NAME);

                if ($this->isColumnModified(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_NOTIFICACION_ENTREGA)) $criteria->add(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_NOTIFICACION_ENTREGA, $this->app_notificacion_entrega);

		return $criteria;
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public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy = false)
This is what i tried so far and it's not working as i intended, i you read through all of this i already owe you a beer. And if someone can help me will receive a big thank you too.
Last edited by hug0tux on Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By hug0tux
I was really not that far, just a file modification away.

Last file to modified was workflow\engine\classes\model\map\AppCacheViewMapBuilder.php and add:
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public function doBuild()
                $tMap->addColumn('APP_NOTIFICACION_ENTREGA', 'AppNotificacionEntrega', 'string', CreoleTypes::VARCHAR, true, 100);
And that's it, i did it XD.

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