Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker 2: user interface, running cases and functionality
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By Yelnahs
Hi there,

I currently have 4 file input fields inside a Dynaform.

Now. I want to keep track of these documents somehow (not within the in-built document manager). My plan was to fire a trigger when the 'submit' button is pressed that updates the APP_DOC_TAGS field in app_document. The problem is I don't know what my WHERE clause is as I don't know what UID is going to be assigned to each document. The user will have the ability to save a dynaform and upload more doucments to these 4 (or less) fields so the incremental counter won't work as a reference.

In a perfect world I would like each document to be uploaded as soon as something is chosen by using the 'Browse' button of the file input. I would then fire a trigger that updates the APP_DOC_TAGS field to catagorise this file.

Does anybody have any ideas? Am I going about this the wrong way? I haven't really looked into Input Docments, should I be going down this route instead?



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