Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker 2: user interface, running cases and functionality
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By amform
I have a problem, I am using an external program (SOA) to create/trigger cases in PM 2.5.
It was working fine, but suddenly stop and I don't have the status code 0 . When I try the webservice test inside PM even with the administrator user I have this attached image.
Can somebody help me with this? Is this a user permission issue?
webservice_test.PNG (6.49 KiB) Viewed 14598 times
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By amosbatto
It could be that your login session expired (which by default expires after 24 minutes of inactivity). You will also have problems if you logged in with a user who isn't assigned to the starting task in the process and you try to call the newCase() web service, but you should see an error code.
By amform
hi amosbatto,
I already tried I login again, and tried the test I got the same result no status code, what could be the issue there?
Thanks for the help
By amform
So if I put a wrong password I get outputs, but when I put the right password no status code 0 or timestamp
test_error.PNG (9 KiB) Viewed 14587 times
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By amosbatto
I assume that you are calling the login() web service if that is your error message. What are your input values? Are you trying to login with the real password or the MD5 hash. If you are using a recent version of MySQL, you need to use the SHA256 hash.
By amform
Thats the problem after login and having the no values in the output, the other webservices options are not available.
The thing I don't understand is that it was working before, but the system went down so I don't know if that caused this issue.
test_2.PNG (24.94 KiB) Viewed 14581 times
By amform
Hi amosbatto,
Yes I'm using the user and the real password, mysql version is 5.1.73.
There is a way to restart the web service? or could be a query issue (query taking to long to return outputs?)
When I test with a wrong user o password I get the status_code and timestamp, but for the correct user and password I get no values on those fields.
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By amosbatto
Have you changed your installation from http to https? Check whether your configuration options are correct in Setup and post a screenshot of them if you can't get it to work.

You can clear ProcessMaker's cache. You can also set on WSDL caching in the env.ini file. See: ... le_env.ini

Are you trying to login with your "admin" user? The "admin" user should have a normal password in the database, unlike users imported with LDAP.
By amform
Yes I'm trying to login with my admin user and password.( the same I use to login in process maker server)
In my set up I have it as http, do I need to change it to https?
The web service started to have this issue like 2 weeks ago before it was working fine with the current configuration.
set_up.PNG (10.03 KiB) Viewed 14562 times
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By amosbatto
You would know if you changed your PM installation from http to https, your port number, workspace, etc., so I doubt it is a configuration issue.

Create a new user and try it with that new user. Did you clear the cache?

The only suggestion I have if that doesn't work is to create a process with a task which executes the following trigger:
Code: Select all
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', True);
print "<pre>";
$client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/sysworkflow/en/neoclassic/services/wsdl2');
$pass = 'md5:' . md5('admin');
$params = array(array('userid'=>'admin', 'password'=>$pass));
$result = $client->__SoapCall('login', $params);
Then, execute a case in that process and see if you see any error messages.
By amform
Hi amosbatto,
Thanks for the suggestion, I ran that code in a trigger and this was the output:

object(stdClass)#252 (4) {
string(0) ""
string(3) "2.0"
string(0) ""
what that means?
By amform
When I use a wrong password I do have a response from the webservice

object(stdClass)#252 (4) {
string(14) "Wrong password"
string(3) "2.0"
string(19) "2017-08-17 11:39:54"
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By amosbatto
What happens if you use this code with an unhashed password?
Code: Select all
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', True);
print "<pre>";
$client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/sysworkflow/en/neoclassic/services/wsdl2');
$pass = 'admin'; //set to the password of your admin user
$params = array(array('userid'=>'admin', 'password'=>$pass));
$result = $client->__SoapCall('login', $params);
By amform
Hello amosbatto,
sorry for the late reply.
I still have the same output:
object(stdClass)#252 (4) {
string(0) ""
string(3) "2.0"
string(0) ""
Can this be a DB issue or permission issue?
I still don't know why I have null output in the status_code
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By amosbatto
I wonder if you didn't change your firewall and are blocking something. If you have a firewall, deactivate it. You might be blocking MySQL's default port 3306 or using a proxy server that isn't resolving correctly. If you do another installation of PM do you see the same problem?
By amform
I deactivated the firewall but still doesn't work.
what are the more usual causes for PM 2.5 2 web service issues/problems?
Can be this cause by a server issue? maybe something that I need to update?
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By amosbatto
I have no idea what could have caused this. I know that recent versions of web browsers often have problems with version PM 2.5. Did you recently upgrade the version of your web browser? Try using several different web browsers and see if it changes anything.
By amform
Hi amosbatto,
That's the first thing I did as a test, I checked if the issue was with only one browser in particular. The issue persist in any browser(Chrome,IE,Firefox).
If I re-install the software that would help?
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By amosbatto
amform wrote:If I re-install the software that would help?
Yes, try that. Without knowing what is the problem, it is hard to know how to solve it.
By amform
Hello amosbatto,
I still have the issue with the webservice, can you tell me how to contact the support technical service of PM?
Thanks for the help.
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By amosbatto
Amform, You can register a bug report, but it will probably be ignored, since ProcessMaker, Inc. no longer supports version 2.5. You can contact the Sales Department and ask for a support contract. Those are the only ways to get a PM developer to look at your problem. No PM developers read this forum.
By jignesh
Code: Select all
$client = new SoapClient($soapUrl,array(
				'stream_context' => stream_context_create(
						'ssl' => array(
						'verify_peer' => false,
						'verify_peer_name' => false,

$result = $client->__SoapCall('login', $params);
it works for me !!

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