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New role for pm tables

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:58 am
by bahare
How could I define a new role for operator users to just access pm tables menu in setting menu?
Or add a new menu for pm tables that operators access data of pm tables?

Re: New role for pm tables

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:41 am
by michaeltimoteo
Hi bahare,

Create a custom role and give him/her a permission of OPERATOR and add this 2 Permission
Code: Select all

Re: New role for pm tables

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:46 pm
by amosbatto
I know that the ProcessMaker Projects team did what you are describing for a client this year, so it might be available with the Enterprise Edition if you call the Sales department and ask for it.

Just to add to what Michael already mentioned, another way to do this is to create a plugin which adds a custom menu item. When you click it, takes you directly to the URL to edit PM Tables, so the user never sees the rest of the Admin menu.

Another option is to create a custom proces to edit the PM Tables. Add a grid to a DynaForm which will hold the content from the PM Table. Create a trigger beforehand which queries the PM Table and then create another trigger after the DynaForm which erases the entire PM Table and rewrites it with the edited content from the grid.
See: ... Form_Grids