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I am new to Processmaker. I have following query.

When starting a case, I want "Case Title" and "Case Number" as being input by the user. Is it possible? if not, what could be the workarounds to achieve same objectve?

My aim is that once case is started, i want everyone that they see "Case/SCR Title" & "Case/SCR Number" in their inboxes. We want to follow status of SCR in our system to see where it stands in the design team. Above I am equating Case for SCR.

warm regards,
You can not change the case number. (Well, it might be possible to change it by writing directly to the wf_<WORKSPACE>.APPLICATION.APP_NUMBER field, but it is not recommended, since the number should be unique and the next case number will be the next highest number.)

However, you can set the case title. Create a DynaForm with a textbox named "TitleSetByUser" and then set the Task Case Labels by right clicking on the first task in your process, select "Properties" from the dropdown menu and then go to the "CAse Labels" tab and in the "Case Title" field put: @#TitleSetByUser

You can change the case number shown in the Case Tracker with the setCaseTrackerCode() function in a trigger.
Hi all
I was successfully get case title change with my project in PM version The case title for the next assigned users is generated based on first user input in a textbox I set.
As I upgraded to PM version 3.1 (release tomorrow), I can't get the same thing to work. The case title for the next users won't change. The next users still see the case title as number when they open their inbox.
Is it a kind of bug from the new version? Can anybody help me solving this problem?

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