Ask questions about your install or get help installing and configuring ProcessMaker 2
By ika
I have just installed the open source version of ProcessMaker and I found two errors.

1.) The first one is an error in the pmos.conf file. The lines:

DocumentRoot /opt/processmaker/trunk/workflow/public_html
<Directory "/opt/processmaker/trunk/workflow/public_html">

should be changed to

DocumentRoot /opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html
<Directory "/opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html">

as 'trunk' does not exist.

2.) The second error is a minor one.
A variable should be initialized in the file '/opt/processmaker/workflow/engine/methods/login/dbInfo.php'.
$redhat = ''; should be added before the line:
'if ( file_exists ( '/etc/redhat-release' ) ) {'
otherwise you will get an error in line 74. This error can be seen in 'System Information' window.

Ian Armstrong
Xcompetence - Denmark.
By pmUser2000
Hello Ika,
you are right, I found the same issues.
And we made these changes in our repository. Soon you will see them in the next release. ( by February 12th )


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