Unofficial documentation how to do interesting things and work around problems in ProcessMaker
Forum rules: Unofficial documentation for features which have not been tested by Quality Assurance or may change in future versions of ProcessMaker
HTML2PDF has an option to insert headers and page numbers in Output Documents that generate PDFs. Unfortunately, TCPDF does not have these same options.

If needing to add these options to ProcessMaker, edit the code of workflow/engine/classes/model/OutputDocument.php.
In the generateTcpdf() function at line 881, change the code from:
Code: Select all
        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $margins['bottom']); 
Code: Select all
        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $margins['bottom']);

        //check for header text between the <header>...</header> tags
        $aContentParts = preg_split('/<header(.*?)>(.*?)<\/header>/is', $sContent, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
        if (is_array($aContentParts) and count($aContentParts) == 4) {
            $sContent = $aContentParts[0] . $aContentParts[3];
            $pdf->setHeaderFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
            $pdf->SetHeaderData('', 0, '', $aContentParts[2]);
        else {
        //check for footer text between the <footer>...</footer> tags
        $aContentParts = preg_split('/<footer(.*?)>(.*?)<\/footer>/is', $sContent, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
        if (is_array($aContentParts) and count($aContentParts) == 4) {
            $sContent = $aContentParts[0] . $aContentParts[3];
            $pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
            //$pdf->SetFooterData('', 0, '', $aContentParts[2]);
        else {

Then edit the HTML code in the template for your Output Documents. If you add this line to the HTML:
Code: Select all
<!--<header>My Special Header</header>-->
Then the text between the <header>...</header> tags will appear in the header of the generated Output Document.

Likewise, if you add the line to the HTML code:
Code: Select all
Then the page number of the Output Document will appear in the footer.

I will explain how to create custom headers and footers which are more flexible in a subsequent post, so keep watching this thread for more information.
The previous post shows how to implement simple headers. This post explains how to implement advanced Headers/Footers with Page Numbers using TCPDF.

First, create the file workflow/engine/classes/class.pmPdf.php with the following content:
Code: Select all
 * pmPdf
 * @author Amos Batto <>
 * @inherits TCPDF
 * @access public
require_once (PATH_THIRDPARTY . "tcpdf" . PATH_SEP . "config" . PATH_SEP . "lang" . PATH_SEP . "eng.php");
require_once (PATH_THIRDPARTY . "tcpdf" . PATH_SEP . "tcpdf.php");

//custom implementation of TCPDF to override the Header() and Footer() functions
class PmPdf extends TCPDF {
   public $header_align = 'C';      //center align header by default
   public $header_line_width = 0.85;//percentage of the page width
   public $header_line = false;     //set to true to display a line below the header
   public $footer_align = 'C';      //center align footer by default
   public $footer_line = false;     //set to true to display a line above the footer
   public $footer_text = '';        //text to display in footer 
     * Print page header in PDF Output Document.
     * @public
   public function Header() {
        $aFont   = $this->getHeaderFont();
        $aHeader = $this->getHeaderData();
        //Default values for $aHeader:
        //["logo"=>"", "logo_width"=>0, "title"=>"", "string"=>"", "text_color"=>[0=>0, 1=>0, 2=>0], "line_color"=>[0=>0, 1=>0, 2=>0] ]
        // Set font
        $this->SetFont($aFont[0], $aFont[1], $aFont[2]);
        //Insert page number if "{PageNo}" in the text
        $aHdrTexts = preg_split('/{PageNo}/is', $aHeader['string']);
        $sHdrText = '';
        foreach ($aHdrTexts as $str) {
            $sHdrText .= empty($sHdrText) ? $str : $this->PageNo() . $str;
        //print header text:
        $this->Cell(0, 0, $sHdrText, 0, false, $this->header_align, 0, '', 0, false, 'B', 'M'); 
        if ($this->header_line) {
          $this->SetLineStyle(array('cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => $aHeader['line_color']));
          //$this->SetY((2.835 / $this->k) + max($this->y, $this->y));
          if ($this->rtl) {
          } else {
          $this->Cell(($this->w - $this->original_lMargin - $this->original_rMargin), 0, '', 'T', 2, 'M');

     * Print page footer in PDF Output Document.
     * @public
   public function Footer() {
    //Insert page number if "{PageNo}" in the text
        $aTexts = preg_split('/{PageNo}/is', $this->footer_text);
        $sText = '';
        foreach ($aTexts as $str) {
        $sText .= empty($sText) ? $str : $this->PageNo() . $str;
    // Set font
        $aFont   = $this->getFooterFont();
        $this->SetFont($aFont[0], $aFont[1], $aFont[2]);
        //Print footer text with line:
    if ($this->footer_line) {
        $this->SetLineStyle(array('color' => $this->footer_line_color));
        $this->Cell(0, 0, $sText, 'T', 0, $this->footer_align);
    else { //without line
        $this->Cell(0, 0, $sText, 0, false, $this->footer_align, 0, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M');
     * Function checks whether <header>...</header> tags exist in the content of an output document 
     * and configures that header according to the parameters in the opening <header> tag.
     * @public
   public function SetupHeader($sContent, $topMargin) {
        //check for header text between the <header>...</header> tags
        $aContentParts = preg_split('/<header(.*?)>(.*?)<\/header>/is', $sContent, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
        if (is_array($aContentParts) and count($aContentParts) == 4) {
            $sContent = $aContentParts[0] . $aContentParts[3];
            //set default values for PDF generation:
            $margin     = $topMargin; //PDF_MARGIN_HEADER
            $line       = true;     //set to true to display a header line
            $fontFamily = PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN; 
            $fontStyle  = '';       //can be '' (normal), 'B' (bold), 'I' (italic), 'U' (underlined)
            $fontSize   = '12';     //PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN, the size of the header font in points
            $fontColor  = array(0,0,0); //RGB colors
            $lineColor  = array(0,0,0); //RGB colors
            $align      = 'C';      //can be: 'L'/'' (left), 'C' (center), 'R' (right), 'J' (justified)
            $imagePath  = '';       //path to an image to display in the header 
            $imageX     = 0;
            $imageY     = 0;
            $imageWidth = 0;
            //check if parameters are set in the <header> tag:
            if (preg_match('/\bmargin\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $margin = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            if (preg_match('/\bline\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $val = strtolower(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
                if ($val == 'true' or $val == 'yes' or intval($val) >= 1) {
                    $line = true;
                } else {
                    $line = false;
            if (preg_match('/\bfontFamily\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $fontFamily = trim($aMatches[1], '"');
            if (preg_match('/\bfontStyle\s*=\s*"?(B|I|U)"?/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $fontStyle = $aMatches[1];
            if (preg_match('/\bfontSize\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $fontSize = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            if (preg_match('/\balign\s*=\s*"?(L|C|R|J)"?/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $align = $aMatches[1];
            if (preg_match('/\bfontColor\s*=\s*"?\s*rgb\((.*?)\)\s*"?/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $aRgb = explode(',', $aMatches[1]);
                if (count($aRgb) != 3) {
                    throw new Exception("The rgb($red,$green,$blue) function in <header> needs three parameters");
                $red = intval($aRgb[0]);
                $green = intval($aRgb[1]);
                $blue = intval($aRgb[2]);
                if ($red < 0 or $red > 255 or $green < 0 or $green > 255 or $blue < 0 or $blue > 255) {
                    throw new Exception("The red, green and blue values in <header> are not between 0 and 255");
                $fontColor = array($red, $green, $blue);
            if (preg_match('/\blineColor\s*=\s*"?\s*rgb\((.*?)\)\s*"?/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $aRgb = explode(',', $aMatches[1]);
                if (count($aRgb) != 3) {
                    throw new Exception("The rgb($red,$green,$blue) function in <header> needs three parameters");
                $red = intval($aRgb[0]);
                $green = intval($aRgb[1]);
                $blue = intval($aRgb[2]);
                if ($red < 0 or $red > 255 or $green < 0 or $green > 255 or $blue < 0 or $blue > 255) {
                    throw new Exception("The red, green and blue values in <header> are not between 0 and 255");
                $lineColor = array($red, $green, $blue);
            if (preg_match('/\bimage\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $imagePath = trim($aMatches[1], '"');
            if (preg_match('/\bimageX\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $imageX = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            if (preg_match('/\bimageY\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $imageY = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            if (preg_match('/\bimageWidth\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $imageWidth = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            $this->header_line = $line;
            $this->header_align = $align;
            $this->setHeaderFont(array($fontFamily, $fontStyle, $fontSize));
            $this->SetHeaderData($imagePath, $imageWidth, '', $aContentParts[2], $fontColor, $lineColor);
        else {

     * Function checks whether <footer>...</footer> tags exist in the content of an Output Document 
     * and configure that footer according to the parameters in the opening <footer> tag.
     * @public
   public function SetupFooter($sContent, $bottomMargin) {
        //check for footer tags:
        $aContentParts = preg_split('/<footer(.*?)>(.*?)<\/footer>/is', $sContent, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
        if (is_array($aContentParts) and count($aContentParts) == 4) {
            $sContent = $aContentParts[0] . $aContentParts[3];
            //set default values for PDF generation:
            $margin     = $bottomMargin; //PDF_MARGIN_HEADER
            $line       = true;     //set to true to display a footer line
            $fontFamily = PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN; 
            $fontStyle  = '';       //can be '' (normal), 'B' (bold), 'I' (italic), 'U' (underlined)
            $fontSize   = '12';     //PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN, the size of the header font in points
            $fontColor  = array(0,0,0); //RGB colors
            $lineColor  = array(0,0,0); //RGB colors
            $align      = 'C';      //can be: 'L'/'' (left), 'C' (center), 'R' (right), 'J' (justified)
            $imagePath  = '';       //path to an image to display in the footer 
            $imageX     = 0;
            $imageY     = 0;
            $imageWidth = 0;
            //check if parameters are set in the <header> tag:
            if (preg_match('/\bmargin\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $margin = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            if (preg_match('/\bline\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $val = strtolower(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
                if ($val == 'true' or $val == 'yes' or intval($val) >= 1) {
                    $line = true;
                } else {
                    $line = false;
            if (preg_match('/\bfontFamily\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $fontFamily = trim($aMatches[1], '"');
            if (preg_match('/\bfontStyle\s*=\s*"?(B|I|U)"?/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $fontStyle = $aMatches[1];
            if (preg_match('/\bfontSize\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $fontSize = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            if (preg_match('/\balign\s*=\s*"?(L|C|R|J)"?/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $align = $aMatches[1];
            if (preg_match('/\bfontColor\s*=\s*"?\s*rgb\((.*?)\)\s*"?/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $aRgb = explode(',', $aMatches[1]);
                if (count($aRgb) != 3) {
                    throw new Exception("The rgb($red,$green,$blue) function in <footer> needs three parameters");
                $red = intval($aRgb[0]);
                $green = intval($aRgb[1]);
                $blue = intval($aRgb[2]);
                if ($red < 0 or $red > 255 or $green < 0 or $green > 255 or $blue < 0 or $blue > 255) {
                    throw new Exception("The red, green and blue values in <footer> are not between 0 and 255");
                $fontColor = array($red, $green, $blue);
            if (preg_match('/\blineColor\s*=\s*"?\s*rgb\((.*?)\)\s*"?/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $aRgb = explode(',', $aMatches[1]);
                if (count($aRgb) != 3) {
                    throw new Exception("The rgb($red,$green,$blue) function in <footer> needs three parameters");
                $red = intval($aRgb[0]);
                $green = intval($aRgb[1]);
                $blue = intval($aRgb[2]);
                if ($red < 0 or $red > 255 or $green < 0 or $green > 255 or $blue < 0 or $blue > 255) {
                    throw new Exception("The red, green and blue values in <footer> are not between 0 and 255");
                $lineColor = array($red, $green, $blue);
            if (preg_match('/\bimage\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $imagePath = trim($aMatches[1], '"');
            if (preg_match('/\bimageX\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $imageX = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            if (preg_match('/\bimageY\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $imageY = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            if (preg_match('/\bimageWidth\s*=\s*(".*?"|[^\s]+)/is', $aContentParts[1], $aMatches)) {
                $imageWidth = intval(trim($aMatches[1], '"'));
            $this->footer_line = $line;
            $this->footer_align = $align;
            $this->SetFooterFont(array($fontFamily, $fontStyle, $fontSize));
            $this->SetFooterData($fontColor, $lineColor);
            $this->footer_text = $aContentParts[2];
        else {
Then, edit the code of the file workflow/engine/classes/model/OutputDocument.php.
Replace the generateTcpdf() function starting on line 714 with this code:
Code: Select all
    public function generateHtml2pdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape = false, $aProperties = array())

        // define("MAX_FREE_FRACTION", 1);
        define('PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY', PATH_HTML . 'files/' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '/outdocs/');
        G::verifyPath(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY, true);

        require_once(PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php');

        // define Save file
        $sOutput = 2;
        $sOrientation = ($sLandscape == false) ? 'P' : 'L';
        $sLang = (defined('SYS_LANG')) ? SYS_LANG : 'en';
        $sMedia = $aProperties['media'];
        // margin define
        define("MINIMAL_MARGIN", 15);
        if (isset($aProperties['margins'])) {
            // Default marges (left, top, right, bottom)
            $margins = $aProperties['margins'];
            $margins['left'] = ($margins['left'] > 0) ? $margins['left'] : MINIMAL_MARGIN;
            $margins['top'] = ($margins['top'] > 0) ? $margins['top'] : MINIMAL_MARGIN;
            $margins['right'] = ($margins['right'] > 0) ? $margins['right'] : MINIMAL_MARGIN;
            $margins['bottom'] = ($margins['bottom'] > 0) ? $margins['bottom'] : MINIMAL_MARGIN;
            $marges = array($margins['left'], $margins['top'], $margins['right'], $margins['bottom']);

        $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF($sOrientation, $sMedia, $sLang, true, 'UTF-8', $marges);


        //$html2pdf->pdf->SetKeywords('HTML2PDF, TCPDF, processmaker');

        if (isset($aProperties['pdfSecurity'])) {
            $pdfSecurity = $aProperties['pdfSecurity'];
            $userPass = G::decrypt($pdfSecurity['openPassword'], $sUID);
            $ownerPass = ($pdfSecurity['ownerPassword'] != '') ? G::decrypt($pdfSecurity['ownerPassword'], $sUID) : null;
            $permissions = explode("|", $pdfSecurity['permissions']);
            $html2pdf->pdf->SetProtection($permissions, $userPass, $ownerPass);



        switch ($sOutput) {
            case 0:
                // Vrew browser
                $html2pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'I');
            case 1:
                // Donwnload
                $html2pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'D');
            case 2:
                // Save file
                $html2pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'F');

        copy($sPath . $sFilename . '.html', PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.html');

        copy(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf');
        unlink(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.pdf');
        unlink(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.html');

    public function generateTcpdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape = false, $aProperties = array())
        require_once (PATH_THIRDPARTY . "tcpdf" . PATH_SEP . "config" . PATH_SEP . "lang" . PATH_SEP . "eng.php");
        require_once (PATH_THIRDPARTY . "tcpdf" . PATH_SEP . "tcpdf.php");

        $nrt = array("\n", "\r", "\t");
        $nrthtml = array("(n /)", "(r /)", "(t /)");

        $strContentAux = str_replace($nrt, $nrthtml, $sContent);
        $sContent = null;

        while (preg_match("/^(.*)<font([^>]*)>(.*)$/i", $strContentAux, $arrayMatch)) {
            $str = trim($arrayMatch[2]);
            $strAttribute = null;

            if (!empty($str)) {
                $strAux = $str;
                $str = null;

                while (preg_match("/^(.*)([\"'].*[\"'])(.*)$/", $strAux, $arrayMatch2)) {
                    $strAux = $arrayMatch2[1];
                    $str = str_replace(" ", "__SPACE__", $arrayMatch2[2]) . $arrayMatch2[3] . $str;

                $str = $strAux . $str;

                //Get attributes
                $strStyle = null;
                $array = explode(" ", $str);

                foreach ($array as $value) {
                    $arrayAux = explode("=", $value);

                    if (isset($arrayAux[1])) {
                        $a = trim($arrayAux[0]);
                        $v = trim(str_replace(array("__SPACE__", "\"", "'"), array(" ", null, null), $arrayAux[1]));

                        switch (strtolower($a)) {
                            case "color":
                                $strStyle = $strStyle . "color: $v;";
                            case "face":
                                $strStyle = $strStyle . "font-family: $v;";
                            case "size":
                                $arrayPt = array(0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36);
                                $strStyle = $strStyle . "font-size: " . $arrayPt[intval($v)] . "pt;";
                            case "style":
                                $strStyle = $strStyle . "$v;";
                                $strAttribute = $strAttribute . " $a=\"$v\"";

                if ($strStyle != null) {
                    $strAttribute = $strAttribute . " style=\"$strStyle\"";

            $strContentAux = $arrayMatch[1];
            $sContent = "<span" . $strAttribute . ">" . $arrayMatch[3] . $sContent;

        $sContent = $strContentAux . $sContent;

        $sContent = str_ireplace("</font>", "</span>", $sContent);

        $sContent = str_replace($nrthtml, $nrt, $sContent);

        $sContent = str_replace("margin-left", "text-indent", $sContent);

        // define Save file
        $sOutput = 2;
        $sOrientation = ($sLandscape == false) ? PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION : 'L';
        $sMedia = (isset($aProperties['media'])) ? $aProperties['media'] : PDF_PAGE_FORMAT;
        $sLang = (defined('SYS_LANG')) ? SYS_LANG : 'en';
        // create new PDF document
        $pdf = new PmPdf($sOrientation, PDF_UNIT, $sMedia, true, 'UTF-8', false);

        // set document information

        $margins = $aProperties['margins'];
        $margins["left"] = ($margins["left"] >= 0) ? $margins["left"] : PDF_MARGIN_LEFT;
        $margins["top"] = ($margins["top"] >= 0) ? $margins["top"] : PDF_MARGIN_TOP;
        $margins["right"] = ($margins["right"] >= 0) ? $margins["right"] : PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT;
        $margins["bottom"] = ($margins["bottom"] >= 0) ? $margins["bottom"] : PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM;

        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $margins['bottom']);

        $pdf->SetupHeader($sContent, $margins['top']);
        $pdf->SetupFooter($sContent, $margins['bottom']);
        $oServerConf = &serverConf::getSingleton();

        // set some language dependent data:
        $lg = array();
        $lg['a_meta_charset'] = 'UTF-8';
        $lg['a_meta_dir'] = ($oServerConf->isRtl($sLang)) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
        $lg['a_meta_language'] = $sLang;
        $lg['w_page'] = 'page';

        //set some language-dependent strings

        if (isset($aProperties['pdfSecurity'])) {
            $tcpdfPermissions = array('print', 'modify', 'copy', 'annot-forms', 'fill-forms', 'extract', 'assemble', 'print-high');
            $pdfSecurity = $aProperties['pdfSecurity'];
            $userPass = G::decrypt($pdfSecurity['openPassword'], $sUID);
            $ownerPass = ($pdfSecurity['ownerPassword'] != '') ? G::decrypt($pdfSecurity['ownerPassword'], $sUID) : null;
            $permissions = explode("|", $pdfSecurity['permissions']);
            $permissions = array_diff($tcpdfPermissions, $permissions);
            $pdf->SetProtection($permissions, $userPass, $ownerPass);
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // set default font subsetting mode

        // Set font
        // dejavusans is a UTF-8 Unicode font, if you only need to
        // print standard ASCII chars, you can use core fonts like
        // helvetica or times to reduce file size.
        //$pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 14, '', true);
        // Detect chinese, japanese, thai
        if (preg_match('/[\x{30FF}\x{3040}-\x{309F}\x{4E00}-\x{9FFF}\x{0E00}-\x{0E7F}]/u', $sContent, $matches)) {
            $fileArialunittf = PATH_THIRDPARTY . "tcpdf" . PATH_SEP . "fonts" . PATH_SEP . "arialuni.ttf";

            $pdf->SetFont((!file_exists($fileArialunittf))? "kozminproregular" : $pdf->addTTFfont($fileArialunittf, "TrueTypeUnicode", "", 32));

        // Add a page
        // This method has several options, check the source code documentation for more information.

        // set text shadow effect
        //$pdf->setTextShadow(array('enabled'=>true, 'depth_w'=>0.2, 'depth_h'=>0.2, 'color'=>array(196,196,196), 'opacity'=>1, 'blend_mode'=>'Normal'));
        // Print text using writeHTMLCell()
        // $pdf->writeHTMLCell($w=0, $h=0, $x='', $y='', $html, $border=0, $ln=1, $fill=0, $reseth=true, $align='', $autopadding=true);
        if (mb_detect_encoding($sContent) == 'UTF-8') {
            $sContent = mb_convert_encoding($sContent, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
        $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        if ($sContent != '') {
        $pdf->writeHTML($doc->saveXML(), false, false, false, false, '');
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Close and output PDF document
        // This method has several options, check the source code documentation for more information.
        //$pdf->Output('example_00.pdf', 'I');
        //$pdf->Output('/home/hector/processmaker/example_00.pdf', 'D');
        switch ($sOutput) {
            case 0:
                // Vrew browser
                $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'I');
            case 1:
                // Donwnload
                $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'D');
            case 2:
                // Save file
                $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'F');
Then, edit the HTML code in the template for your Output Documents. If you add this line to the HTML:
Code: Select all
<!--<header>My Special Header</header>-->
Then the text between the <header>...</header> tags will appear in the header of the generated Output Document.

Likewise, if you add the following line to the HTML code:
Code: Select all
<!--<footer>My Footer Text</footer>-->
Then the text between the <footer>...</footer> tags will appear in the footer of the generated Output Document.

If needing to add the page number, then include the code {PageNo} in the header or footer text. For example:
Code: Select all
<!--<header>Special Report p.{PageNo}</header>-->
The following attributes can also be set in the <header> and <footer> tags:

Add a line to separate the header/footer from the text in the Output Document:

Set the alignment of the header/footer text to L (left), C (center), R (right) or J (justified):

Set the font size in points of the header/footer text, which by default is 12 pt:

Set the font family of the header/footer text:

Set the font style of the header/footer text to B (bold), I (italics) or U (underlined):

Set the color of the text with RGB (red, green, blue), where each color is a number between 0 and 255:

Set the color of the line with RGB (red, green, blue), where each color is a number between 0 and 255:

Set the vertical size of the margin of the header:
Note: This setting is generally not needed.

Code: Select all
<p><!--<header align="R" fontStyle="I" fontSize="16" fontFamily="Arial" line="yes" lineColor="rgb(100,40,200)" 
fontColor="rgb(50,100,10)" >Hello World {PageNo}</header>--> 

<!--<footer align="R" fontStyle="I" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Arial" line="no" lineColor="rgb(100,40,200)" 
fontColor="rgb(50,100,10)">Got {PageNo} page</footer>--></p>
My colleagues at PM pointed out that the code that I posted in the previous two posts doesn't work if the header or footer has multiple lines. I have fixed this by adding the "s" flag to regular expressions in the code in the previous two posts.
For example, I changed the code from:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Now if you need a header or footer with multiple lines of text, you can use line breaks in the template of your Output Document like this:
Code: Select all
<!--<header>Special Report on Finances
Accounting Department, p.{PageNo}</header>--> 
This will appear as a header with two lines.

Note that the TCPDF library doesn't recognize HTML code inside the header and footer text so the <br> tag won't work.
Dear Amos, I tried to add a picture (jpg) into the header but it did not work.

Could you please provide an explanation how to do that, perhaps an example with image in the header? Otherwise, everything in your code works great.

This is what I have got so far
Code: Select all
<p><!--<header align="L" fontStyle="B" fontSize="10" fontFamily="Arial" line="yes" lineColor="rgb(0,0,0)" 
fontColor="rgb(0,0,0)" image="" imageWidth="716">Hello World {PageNo}</header>--> 

<!--<footer align="R" fontStyle="I" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Arial" line="yes" lineColor="rgb(0,0,0)" 
fontColor="rgb(0,0,0)">Got {PageNo} page</footer>--></p>
Thank you very much.

Jaro, Unfortunately, I was never able to get images to work correctly with my code in the second post. You might be able to get images to work if you take the code in the first post and only add the code for images. I found TCPDF to be a very difficult library. Adding one thing would break something else.
Hi Amos,

could you please verify if your documentation is still valid? I would like to enter a footer to a Output Document, and followed your instruction (I hope). I get a "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." error
I have an Bitnami Processmaker Appliance running.

BR and many thanks!
When you get "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." error, that means you have a fatal error.
For check details of your error please check the bellow path and same date error file log:
Code: Select all
Last edited by programerboy on Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
This is my OutputDocument.php file in processmaker 3.3.6 community:
(44.85 KiB) Downloaded 853 times
Please copy from your main file and replace this file and test again.
I compared two files and they were different!
Last edited by programerboy on Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

I installed again and checked the instruction. I have still the same problem. If i change TCPDF to PmPdf.
So maybe it is no longer working.

Do you have another idea how to get a footer in a TCPDF? We would like to use PM to approve purchase orders and on the last step it generates the PO. I have to put some legal things in the footer of the document. This is all I like to do.

BR and many thanks for all your help
The multi-line header and footer was not working properly. I changed the Header() and Footer() functions split the header and footer text by new lines (\n) and print each line separately. This allows for proper rendering of multiple lines in the header and footer sections.
Code: Select all
 * Print page header in PDF Output Document.
 * @public
public function Header()
    $aFont = $this->getHeaderFont();
    $aHeader = $this->getHeaderData();

    $this->SetY($this->header_margin - 1);

    // Set font
    $this->SetFont($aFont[0], $aFont[1], $aFont[2]);

    // Insert page number if "{PageNo}" in the text
    $aHdrTexts = preg_split('/{PageNo}/is', $aHeader['string']);
    $sHdrText = '';
    foreach ($aHdrTexts as $str) {
        $sHdrText .= empty($sHdrText) ? $str : $this->PageNo() . $str;

    // Print header text with line breaks
    $lines = explode("\n", $sHdrText);
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $this->Cell(0, 0, $line, 0, false, $this->header_align, 0, '', 0, false, 'B', 'M');
        $this->Ln(); // Add new line

    if ($this->header_line) {
        $this->SetLineStyle(array('cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => $aHeader['line_color']));
        if ($this->rtl) {
        } else {
        $this->Cell(($this->w - $this->original_lMargin - $this->original_rMargin), 0, '', 'T', 2, 'M');

 * Print page footer in PDF Output Document.
 * @public
public function Footer()
    // Insert page number if "{PageNo}" in the text
    $aTexts = preg_split('/{PageNo}/is', $this->footer_text);
    $sText = '';
    foreach ($aTexts as $str) {
        $sText .= empty($sText) ? $str : $this->PageNo() . $str;

    // Set font
    $aFont = $this->getFooterFont();
    $this->SetFont($aFont[0], $aFont[1], $aFont[2]);

    // Print footer text with line breaks
    $lines = explode("\n", $sText);
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        if ($this->footer_line) {
            $this->SetLineStyle(array('color' => $this->footer_line_color));
            $this->Cell(0, 0, $line, 'T', 0, $this->footer_align);
        } else {
            $this->Cell(0, 0, $line, 0, false, $this->footer_align, 0, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M');
        $this->Ln(); // Add new line
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