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Grateful if I can be advised how to solve the following problem.
I created a field of LongVarChar 999 in a PM table. This table is used for storing long strings (which are mysql_real_escape_string(json)). It works well if the strlen(mysql_real_escape_string(json)) < 7K. When the strings are of size 7+ K or longer, the "Connection Was Reset By Server" page came up with error message "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading." and the saving failed.

From, LONGVARCHAR is a string of characters up to 16,777,215 bytes long. I think a 7+k string should be able to fit in.

I have also set the ThreadStackSize in httpd.conf to
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 67109504

What is the cause of the problem and how to fix it?

Thank you in advance.

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