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I have a situation where I have to import contents of a CSV file into a grid using a PHP trigger. PM's wiki has the related scripts. However, I get stuck when the content has special characters like " (double quotes) or ' (single quote) or , (comma). This messes up the values being imported into the grid.
What could be the best way to handle these characters when using the explode() function in a PHP trigger?

Last edited by yuvsaha123 on Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

See below example if it can help or not?

or Use another separator for your CSV file, the example in the link say using ';' as the separator.
Of course you need to edit or modify of your CSV files replacing ',' into ';' first. At least this is feasible to edit CSV....

Anyway, good luck..
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