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By vahid2231
Hello friends
I want to disable a text box using the drop-down list
But this code does not work and just disables but can not activate
Code: Select all
//when the Dynaform loads, pass through the grid and disable or enable the discountRate field 
//in each row, depending on the value of the hasDiscount field.
var nRows = $("#equipmentList").getNumberRows(); 

for (i = 1; i <= nRows; i++) {
  var hasDiscount = $("form\\[equipmentList\\]\\["+i+"\\]\\[hasDiscount\\]").val();
  if (hasDiscount == "Discount") {
    $("#form\\[equipmentList\\]\\["+i+"\\]\\[discountRate\\]").prop("disabled", false);
  else {   // if "No Discount":
    $("#form\\[equipmentList\\]\\["+i+"\\]\\[discountRate\\]").prop("disabled", true);

//when a new row is added to the grid, disable the discountRate field by default.
$("#equipmentList").onAddRow( function(aNewRow, oGrid, rowIndex) {
  $("#form\\[equipmentList\\]\\["+rowIndex+"\\]\\[discountRate\\]").prop("disabled", true);
var formId = $("form").prop("id");
//Set an onchange event handler for the form. When the value of a field changes in the Dynaform, 
//check whether the changed field is the hasDiscount field in the grid. 
//If so, then if hasDiscount is set to "Discount", then enable the discountRate field in the same row. 
//If set to "No Discount", then disable the discountRate field.
$( "#" + formId ).setOnchange( function(fieldId, newVal, oldVal) {
  //check if a field changed inside the grid:
  var aMatches = fieldId.match(/^\[equipmentList\]\[(\d+)\]\[hasDiscount\]$/);

  if (aMatches) {
    var rowNo = aMatches[1];
    if (newVal == "Discount") {
      $("#form\\[equipmentList\\]\\["+rowNo+"\\]\\[discountRate\\]").prop("disabled", false);
    else {   // if (newVal=="No Discount"):
      $("#form\\[equipmentList\\]\\["+rowNo+"\\]\\[discountRate\\]").prop("disabled", true);
      //delete the existing value in the discountRate field:
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