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By maabik

Actually, i am using ProcessMaker version “3.3.17 – Enterprise Edition”.

I am using the suggest control to select employees from table "users", and I have a specific requirement where I need to force the selection on this suggestion control.

The option of “Force Selection” is available only on version 3.4 as mentioned on the wiki (

Can you please tell me how to implement this functionality on the Dynaform using JAVASCRIPT?

Thank you for help.
Kind Regads.
You can use the following javascript code:
Code: Select all
	var name = $("#name").getValue() //$("#id-suggest")
	if (name == "") {
    	alert("Name must be filled out");
        return false; //stop submit
      	return true; //continue submit
Best regards, Ricardo
I tried with this example but the code only validates if the field is not empty, but it doesn´t force the user to select an option from the list. The user can input any text in the suggestion box without restrictions.
Any idea? Thanks!
Force to select using the codes below, please try... (code tested below)
Code: Select all
//--------------- soluntion 1, tested
$( "#" + $("form").prop("id") ).setOnSubmit(function (){

      var name = $("#mySuggest").getValue();
      if (name == "") {
          alert("Name must be filled out");
          return false; //stop submit

          var aOptions = $("#mySuggest").getInfo().options; 	//return an array of ["name1", "name2", ...]
          var notMatchCount = 0;
          for (let i in aOptions) {
              if (aOptions[i].value != name) notMatchCount++;
          if (notMatchCount == aOptions.length){
              alert("your customed name is not matched with any of suggested name list?");
              $("#mySuggest").setValue("");	//reset the name field
              return false;   //stop submit the form

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