Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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I tried to create a plugin with a dashlet in versions, 3.2.1 and 3.3.8 and it can't get the plugin's dashlet code to execute when the user clicks on the "Dashboards" menu. I filed a report with the developers, but have not yet received a reply. Usually it takes them a long time to respond.

For now, I recommend that you put your code to one of the existing dashlets in the ProcessMaker code. For example, you can change the code in the file workflow/engine/classes/DashletProcessMakerCommunity.php.

If you want to query a database, you can use code like this:
Code: Select all
//Set $db to the ID of a Database Connection if querying an external database.
//If querying the ProcessMaker database or a PM Table in the current workspace, then set to 'workflow': 
$db = 'workflow'; 

$cnn = Propel::getConnection($db);
$stmt = $cnn->createStatement();

     WHERE  FIELD3='something' ORDER BY FIELD1";
$result = $stmt->executeQuery($sql, ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
$aRecords = array();

while ($result->next()) {
      $row = $result->getRow();
      $aRecords[] = array($row['FIELD1'], $row['FIELD2']);

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