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I want to be able, from a button in a Dynaform, to hide or show the Tree Panel on the left side of the screen which is used to show the 'New Case','Inbox', etc.

Is it possible to call a function directly from the Dynaform's JS to hide that ?

I know there's a button for that but when it disappears, it's not really easy to get it back and if possible, I would like to hide it only in this process.

EDIT: Got it working with:
Code: Select all
top.frames['casesFrame'].document.getElementById("menuTreePanel").style.display = "none";
If I do this on button click, it hides correctly but the dynaform doesn't enlarge to fit the screen. Is there any way to refit the dynaform to fill the screen blank?

menu2.PNG (26.42 KiB) Viewed 4560 times
amosbatto wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 8:26 pm I added a page to the wiki to explain this:
That post got deleted a while ago and never got restored.
Anyone have got this working and care to share how to do it?


Later edit:
I somehow made it hide on loading but i don't think is the optimal way to do it:
Code: Select all
var collMenu = top.frames['casesFrame'].document.getElementById("menuTreePanel-xcollapsed")
if (!collMenu || == "none") {
    $("#menuTreePanel div.x-tool-collapse-west", top.frames['casesFrame'].document).click();
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Thanks for this information. I really appreciate the information that you have provided.

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