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By ebryant
Is it possible to create an execute button or something the verify the information input into fields match the appropriate fields in a PM Table.

Person inputs his SS# and DOB correctly and the other fields will populate with the data stored in the PM Table. If one of the fields is incorrect then an error message could appear.

Thank you in advance
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By amosbatto
You should use the the validate property of text fields to ensure that the user is entering the type of data.

If you want to be creative, you can create a trigger that uses executeTrigger("DESCRIBE PMT_MY_TABLE") to get information about your table and then compares each field from the table with the data from your Dynaform. If there is a mismatch, use G:SendMessageText() to display an error message and then call PMFRedirectToStep() to redisplay the Dynaform, so the user can correct the data and resubmit the Dynaform.

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