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By tamasig
Dear All,

I have been trying to disable a textarea within single cell, i.e., the cell with ID gridComment in the last row of a grid (ID: gridCommentResponse). Unfortunately, the code below does not get the job done:
Code: Select all
var lastRow = $("#gridCommentResponse").getNumberRows();

$("#form\\[gridCommentResponse\\]\\[" + lastRow + "\\]\\[gridComment\\]").find("input,button,textarea,select").attr("disabled", true);
Any ideas what might be the problem? I am running ProcessMaker v3.0.1.7.

Many thanks for all the help,
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By amosbatto
If you want to disable a single field in a grid, use this:
$("#form\\[gridCommentResponse\\]\\[" + lastRow + "\\]\\[gridComment\\]").attr("disabled", true);

If you want to disable all the fields in a row, then use this:
$("#form\\[gridCommentResponse\\]\\[" + lastRow + "\\]\\[gridComment\\]").closest("div.pmdynaform-grid-row").find("input,button,textarea,select").attr("disabled", true);

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