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Hi Amos,

How do I make the sum function in grid to work when thousand separator mask is applied? Please see screenshot:
2018-08-06 11_42_18.png
2018-08-06 11_42_18.png (10.24 KiB) Viewed 2182 times
Here is my code:
Code: Select all
var gridId = "gridQuotes"; //set to ID of grid
var fieldId = "strCosts"; //set to ID of text field inside grid

//set the thousands separator in all existing rows when the DynaForm loads:
  var nRows = $("#"+gridId).getNumberRows()
  for (var i = 1; i <= nRows; i++) {
    $("[id='form["+gridId+"]["+i+"]["+fieldId+"]']").maskNumber({decimal: '.', thousands: ','});

  //set the thousands separator in newly added rows:
  $("#"+gridId).onAddRow(function(aNewRow, oGrid, rowIndex) {
    $("[id='form["+gridId+"]["+i+"]["+fieldId+"]']").maskNumber({decimal: '.', thousands: ','});
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