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By higgledy
I need help understanding how gateways work. I have a task, "Validate Request" where the Case Manager validates the submitted request. However, if the Case Manager needs more information, he/she will click a button "Ask Question" this sets a variable, "askQuestion" to true. Then in the gateway, I want to divert the flow to the Requester lane, in a task "Need Additional Info". But all I get when I click "Ask Question" is "All conditions in evaluation routing rule evaluated to false, so workflow stopped. ...."

I'd upload a pic of the workflow, but it is proprietary.

Thank you for all replies.
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By amosbatto
The error message indicates that you probably have not set the conditions in your exclusive and inclusive gateways to determine which route(s) are taken in the process or all your conditions are evaluating to false. Right click on the gateway and select "Properties" in the context menu. The conditions are based on the variables which you created in your DynaForms. First read the documentation to understand better and look at the conditions in the exclusive gateway in the sample process in Step 5: ... he_Process
By higgledy
Thanks Amos. I am trying to implement the example in the Processmaker book, by Dipo Majekodunnmi. See page 184, Approval with Code. I am trying to set a variable using a button. Then I am thinking, based on the var's value the gateway will route the request to the next Task.
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By amosbatto
higgledy wrote:See page 184, Approval with Code. I am trying to set a variable using a button. Then I am thinking, based on the var's value the gateway will route the request to the next Task.
It is hard for me to guess what isn't working in your process. Post the .json file for your DynaForm and post a screenshot of the conditions in your gateway if you want me to help you debug it.
By higgledy
Thanks Amos, but I cannot post code. My company won't permit me. I do understand blindly debugging code is impossible.
By higgledy
Do I always set the Default Flow in a gateway? Because whenever I do my WF takes that path no matter what.
Also, in the Gateway Routing Rules, Do I set the Conditions to '0' or '1' or 'Yes' or 'No' for a boolean variable I created? i.e. I created a boolean variable 'isValid' where I defined the options:
Key 'True' Label 'Yes'
Key 'False' Label 'No'

So then in the Gateway Conditions, do I define it as



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By amosbatto
If you want "Yes"/"No", then use the label variable in your conditions:
@@isValid_label == 'Yes'
@@isValid_label == 'No'
You should turn on Debug Mode in the process properties to see the value of your variables.

PS: By the way, if your company is willing to pay for a support contract, then you can ask these questions on a confidential issue tracker.
By higgledy
Thanks Amos. I got it working. Finally. :)

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