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By AbbesMA
I have a dropdown control in a grid and I would like to get the label on the dropdown control in javascript Dynaform and in PHP Trigger.

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By amosbatto
To get the label of the selected option in a dropdown box in a grid, you can use this JavaScript:
Code: Select all
var selected = $("#productList").getText(2,3);
Where "productList" is the ID of the grid, using the second row, and the dropdown box is the third field in the row.

To get the label of the selected item in a trigger:
Code: Select all
if (!empty(@=productList) and count(@=productList) >= 2) {
   $selected  = @=productList[2]['productType_label'];
Where the grid is associated with the variable named "productList", using the second row, and the ID of the dropdown box is "productType" and its label is stored in "productType_label". See the documentation on grids and turn on the case debugger to learn more.

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