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Get all data suggest in grid

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:00 pm
by ashkufaraz
I has a grid that has one suggest control. suggest fill with query
Code: Select all
select id,name from table
how can with javascript get all option of suggest in grid?

Re: Get all data suggest in grid

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:17 pm
by amosbatto
You can use control.executeQuery() to get a complete list of all the options for a suggest box, but you will have to filter them to eliminate the options you don't want.

If you a Dynaform with:
- a suggest box with the ID "selectUser", which has the SQL query:
- a grid with the ID "usersList", which has two fields:
- - textbox with the ID "userId"
- - textbox with the ID "username
- a button with the ID "fillGrid"

Add the following JavaScript to the DynaForm. When the "fillGrid" button is clicked, it adds all the options in the suggest box which match the current value in the suggest box.
Code: Select all
function populateGridFromSuggest() {
  var filter = $("#selectUser").getValue();
  var aOptions = getFieldById("selectUser").executeQuery();

  //clear the grid:
  var nRow = $("#usersList").getNumberRows()
  for (; nRow > 0; nRow--) {
  //repopulate the grid with the filtered options from the suggest box:
  for (var i in aOptions) {
    if (aOptions[i] != -1) {
      $("#usersList").addRow([{value: aOptions[i].value}, {value: aOptions[i].text}]);

Here is a example DynaForm:
(3.04 KiB) Downloaded 309 times

Re: Get all data suggest in grid

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:02 am
by ashkufaraz
Thank you for replay
with this can get all option a suggest
Code: Select all
var aOptions = getFieldById("selectUser").executeQuery();
ok but
for suggest in grid how can do it?
This not worked
Code: Select all
var aOptions = getGridField("Grid",1,"selectUser").executeQuery();