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This can be done by creating a trigger to generate an output document and firing the trigger after the dynaform on a specific condition.

In the dynaform, take the following web controls:
* a hidden field(named action)
* a submit type button(to generate the output document on its click)
* a link field(where you can download the output document)

Write the following javascript in the dynaform:
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function hidelink(){
  var action = $("#action").getValue();
  if(action != "output" ){
Here, opdoc is the ID of the button which generates the output document.
Set the value of action to "output" for generating output and "" to submit the form.

Create a trigger with the following code:
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if(@@action == "output"){
	$outputid = "502792749586c9ae036e5e5086358080";
	$case = @@APPLICATION;
	$result = executeQuery($query);
	if (!is_array($result) or count($result) == 0) {
	   die("Error: Unable to find generated Output Document in database.");
	$d = new AppDocument();
	$aFile = $d->Load( $result[1]['APP_DOC_UID'] );
	@@outDocUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] .
		'/sys'. @@SYS_SYS . '/en/neoclassic/cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' .
	   $aFile['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&v='. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] . '&ext=pdf';
	@@outDocFilename = $aFile['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] .'_'. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] .'.pdf';
	PMFRedirectToStep(@@APPLICATION, @%INDEX, 'DYNAFORM', '952915093586c9ae036af54027049960');
This trigger generates an output document and stores the link for it in @@outDocUrl. It then redirects the flow back to the same dynaform.
Set this trigger to fire after the dynaform on the condition: @@action == "output"

Hope this helps
Thank you very much.

I think I see how this works. So this code basically still sets off the document creation after the dynaform in the trigger still but then redirects it back to the same dynaform.

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   PMFRedirectToStep(@@APPLICATION, @%INDEX, 'DYNAFORM', '952915093586c9ae036af54027049960');
And this code resets the "action" variable to nothing so it won't fire after the dynaform is submitted regularly.
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Is that right?

In the redirect code, 952915093586c9ae036af54027049960 is the dyanform ID?

I'm wondering if you could make your code more universal (for copying and sharing) if you added this:
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   $taskId = @@TASK; //get ID for current task
   $result = executeQuery("SELECT STEP_UID_OBJ FROM STEP WHERE TAS_UID='$taskId' and STEP_POSITION = 3");
   @@stepUidObj= $result[1]['STEP_UID_OBJ'];
   PMFRedirectToStep(@@APPLICATION, @%INDEX, 'DYNAFORM', @@stepUidObj);
Or am I not understanding the code from this documentation correctly? ... Step.28.29

I'm not 100% sure what "STEP_POSITION = 3" is doing. Is it because dynaforms are in STEP_POSITION 3? Does that change if there are multiple dynaforms in a task?

I'm also not sure how the above code could be integrated with the first code. I'm assuming that I can't just do this:
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if(@@action == "output"){
   $outputid = "502792749586c9ae036e5e5086358080";
   $case = @@APPLICATION;
   $result = executeQuery($query);
   if (!is_array($result) or count($result) == 0) {
      die("Error: Unable to find generated Output Document in database.");
   $d = new AppDocument();
   $aFile = $d->Load( $result[1]['APP_DOC_UID'] );
   @@outDocUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] .
      '/sys'. @@SYS_SYS . '/en/neoclassic/cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' .
      $aFile['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&v='. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] . '&ext=pdf';
   @@outDocFilename = $aFile['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] .'_'. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] .'.pdf';
   $taskId = @@TASK; //get ID for current task
   $result = executeQuery("SELECT STEP_UID_OBJ FROM STEP WHERE TAS_UID='$taskId' and STEP_POSITION = 3");
   @@stepUidObj= $result[1]['STEP_UID_OBJ'];
   PMFRedirectToStep(@@APPLICATION, @%INDEX, 'DYNAFORM', @@stepUidObj);
This is a great code example. I will use it for the wiki. Thanks.

Yes, the Step position is the position in the task. For example, if you have a task with the following steps:
DynaformA, InputDocumentA, DynaFormB
Then the step position is 1 for DynaformA, 2 for InputDocumentA, 3 for DynaFormB.

You can make the trigger a bit simpler with this code:
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if(@@action == "output"){
   $outputId = "502792749586c9ae036e5e5086358080"; //Set to ID of Output Document
   $fileId = PMFGenerateOutputDocument($outputId);
   if (empty($fileId)) {
      throw new Exception("Error: Unable to generate Output Document.");
   $d = new AppDocument();
   $aFile = $d->Load( $fileId );
   @@outDocUrl = (G::is_https() ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . 
      ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? '' : ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) .
      '/sys'. @@SYS_SYS . '/en/neoclassic/cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' .
      $fileId . '&v='. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] . '&ext=pdf';
   @@outDocFilename = $aFile['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] .'_'. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] .'.pdf';
   $formTitle = 'Client Info'; //set to the title of your DynaForm
   $formId = PMFGetDynaformUID($formTitle, @@PROCESS);
   if (empty($formId)) {
      throw new Exception("Error: '$formTitle' is not the title of a DynaForm in the current process.");
   else {
      PMFRedirectToStep(@@APPLICATION, @%INDEX, 'DYNAFORM', $formId);
This way the code should work even if the step position changes.
Could you do something similar for a button that sends an email?
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Code: Select all
if(@@action == "email") {
  $aFields = array('ownerName' => @=ownerName, 'ownerEmail' => @=ownerEmail, 'endRangeDate' => @=endRangeDate, 'startRangeDate' => @=startRangeDate, 'salesEmail' => @=salesEmail);
  $usr = userInfo(@@USER_LOGGED);
  $from = $usr['mail']; 
  PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION, $from, @@ownerEmail, @@salesEmail, '', 'Please Send Me Your Sales Numbers ASAP', 'salesNumbers.html', $aFields);

   $formTitle = 'Request Sales Numbers'; //set to the title of your DynaForm
   $formId = PMFGetDynaformUID($formTitle, @@PROCESS);
   if (empty($formId)) {
      throw new Exception("Error: '$formTitle' is not the title of a DynaForm in the current process.");
   else {
      PMFRedirectToStep(@@APPLICATION, @%INDEX, 'DYNAFORM', $formId);
or even create a document and send it as an attachment?
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if(@@action == "output"){
   $outputId = "502792749586c9ae036e5e5086358080"; //Set to ID of Output Document
   $fileId = PMFGenerateOutputDocument($outputId);
   if (empty($fileId)) {
      throw new Exception("Error: Unable to generate Output Document.");
   $d = new AppDocument();
   $aFile = $d->Load( $fileId );
   @@outDocUrl = (G::is_https() ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . 
      ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? '' : ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) .
      '/sys'. @@SYS_SYS . '/en/neoclassic/cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' .
      $fileId . '&v='. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] . '&ext=pdf';
   @@outDocFilename = $aFile['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] .'_'. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] .'.pdf';
   $aFields = array('ownerName' => @=ownerName, 'ownerEmail' => @=ownerEmail, 'endRangeDate' => @=endRangeDate, 'startRangeDate' => @=startRangeDate, 'salesEmail' => @=salesEmail);
   $aAttachFiles = array(
    PATH_DATA_PUBLIC . @@PROCESS . PATH_SEP . @@outDocFilename
   $usr = userInfo(@@USER_LOGGED);
   $from = $usr['mail']; 
   PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION, $from, @@ownerEmail, @@salesEmail, '', 'Please Send Me Your Sales Numbers ASAP', 'salesNumbers.html', $aFields, $aAttachFiles);
   $formTitle = 'Client Info'; //set to the title of your DynaForm
   $formId = PMFGetDynaformUID($formTitle, @@PROCESS);
   if (empty($formId)) {
      throw new Exception("Error: '$formTitle' is not the title of a DynaForm in the current process.");
   else {
      PMFRedirectToStep(@@APPLICATION, @%INDEX, 'DYNAFORM', $formId);
Ekaboom, You probably want to start your triggers with code like this:
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if (isset(@@action) and @@action == 'output') {
That way it won't have errors if the user didn't submit the DynaForm.

Also in your trigger to send the output document as an email attachment, you need to use the filename found on the PM server:
$filename = $fileId .'_'. $aFile['DOC_VERSION'] .'.pdf';
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$aAttachFiles = array(
   @@outDocFilename => PATH_DOCUMENT. $g->getPathFromUID(@@APPLICATION) .PATH_SEP. "outdocs" .PATH_SEP. $filename;
You also probably need to send out the email from the user account set in Admin > Email Servers, because most email services (gmail, Yahoo!, hotmail, etc) will block it as spam if it doesn't come from the owner of the account. Your $from should probably not be the currently logged user.
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$from = "";

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