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We are working for a Non-Profit Organization, and we have a requirement that we need to add the BIRT report to the DashBoard of Process Maker.

We have the required BIRT Report created correctly, now I need help to integrate the BIRT Report to the Dashlets so as to make it visible in the Dashboard.

My System Specification:

Process Maker Version: 3.1.2 Community Version.
OpenText Analytics Designer (BIRT)
Version: 4.6.0
Build id: v20160406
OS: CentOs 7.2.64

Please help us to get the BIRT report integrated into the Process Maker.

You can create a plugin for ProcessMaker which adds a new dashlet. When creating the plugin, there is a series of yes/no questions. You want to answer NO to all questions except the question:
Create an element for the Processmaker Dashboards [y/N]: n

After creating the plugin, you can edit the generated code and add the your custom code for the dashlet.

PS: If you aren't a PHP programmer, then you need to hire someone who is or you can call ProcessMaker Sales and ask them how much the integration will cost.
Hello there,

I have found way to use BIRT with PM. I created a plugin which ensures a top menu item called reports. On clicking this top menu option the user is redirected to a BIRT report page (which runs on Tomcat). I was able to achieve this by following instructions on PM's wiki site as well as helpful websites on BIRT and Tomcat.

However, I need to pass current user details to this report page. I do not know how to do this. Knowing current user of PM can help proper access to BIRT's reports. Can someone help me please?

Many thanks in advance.

Hello everyone,

Just to let you know that I seem to have solved this issue to a large extent. Here is what I did:

1. Installed BIRT Eclipse Report Designer, BIRT runtime, and Tomcat Webserver.

2. Configured Tomcat to run BIRT reports.

3. Created plugin to get a menu option on ProcessMaker at the top of the page.

4. Edited the ...Application.php file that is generated by the creation of the above plugin and added the following code... (note that the Group name is PMO here)

// ---- Code inserted - start
$g = new G();
$g->LoadClass("pmFunctions"); // To get access to ProcessMaker Functions

$group_uid = PMFGetGroupUID("PMO");
$users_list = PMFGetGroupUsers($group_uid);
$user_logged = $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']; // To get the current user logged in
$found_it = 0;

// To check if the current logged user belongs to the PMO Group
for ($i = 0; ($i < count($users_list) && $found_it <= 0); $i++)
$curr_usr_uid = $users_list[$i]['USR_UID'];

if ($curr_usr_uid == $user_logged && $curr_usr_uid != "")
$found_it = 1;


// If so, then show the hyperlink to the BIRT report, else say that the user does not have access to the dashboard
if ($found_it > 0) {
<h3><a href="http://localhost:8080/ProcessMaker/fram ... design">Go To PMO Dashboard</a></h3>
} else {
<h3>You are not a PMO Group Member</h3>
// ---- Code inserted - end

Best wishes,

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