Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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By medoman
im here again
sorry but i have an (upload document) named (bp) in my form... the users negotiate the process through this document and use this field to upload the document many times.... finally and after the supervisor approve the case i need to send the final document (only the last uploaded file) by the email to the project manager to start the project...
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By amosbatto
Adapting this example, you can use this code:
Code: Select all
$inputDocId = '8145302265845d4b6db1721089633669'; //set to Input Document ID
$caseId = @@APPLICATION;
//find the UID and version for the uploaded Input Document file(s):
   WHERE APP_UID='$caseId' AND DOC_UID='$inputDocId' AND
$aFiles = executeQuery($query);

if (is_array($aFiles) and count($aFiles) > 0) {
   $aAttached = array();
      $d = new AppDocument();
      $aDoc = $d->Load($aFiles[1]['APP_DOC_UID'], $aFiles[1]['DOC_VERSION']);
      $filename = $aDoc['APP_DOC_FILENAME'];
      $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
      $filePath = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($caseId) . PATH_SEP .
         $aFiles[1]['APP_DOC_UID'] .'_'. $aFiles[1]['DOC_VERSION'] .'.'. $ext;
      $aAttached = PMFAddAttachmentToArray($aAttached, $filename, $filePath);
   //get users who have participated in case:
   $c = new Cases();
   $aUsers = $c->getUsersParticipatedInCase(@@APPLICATION);
   $to = '';
   foreach ($aUsers['array'] as $userUID => $userInfo) {
      $to = (empty($to) ? '' : ', ') . $userInfo['USR_EMAIL'];
   PMFSendMessage($caseId, '', $to, '', '',
      'Invoices for case #'.@@APP_NUMBER, 'invoiceTemplate.html', array(), $aAttached);
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By amosbatto
If you need the email address of the manager of the current logged-in user:
Code: Select all
$managerEmail = '';
$aUser = PMFInformationUser(@@USER_LOGGED);
$managerId = $aUser['reportsto'];
if ($managerId) {
   $aManager = PMFInformationUser($managerId);
   $managerEmail = $aManager['mail'];

This only works if the current user is a member of a department with a manager.

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