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By lilidev
Is there any way that line inputs are auto expanded when there is a lot of data to be displayed?

Json data is passed to Process Maker process, to a Line Input item with the "Read Only" option checked. But in order to see all data I need to put the cursor in the Line Input item and use the key board to go to the last word.

Is it possible that, if there is lot of data/characters, the Line Input item is automatically expanded to fit all data and so can be easy to see?

As a workaround I tried with a "Text Area" item which seems to display the data in a better way but I wanted to know if there is another way to make it work with Line Input item so I don't have to re-create the fields.

Thanks in advance,
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By ronrich
Hello lilidev,

Is there any reason why you are using read-only fields? I would recommend using a rich-text field and calling the variable using mustache syntax, that way you'll see all the content.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

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