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By Vysakh

In some cases I have a problem, the data is available in the report table but it does not show in the form. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?

Processmaker Version : 3.2.1 Community.
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By ronrich
Hello Vysakh

It sounds like a parsing issue. Try the following in order to confirm that:

1. Query the APP_DATA column from the APPLICATION table, puta that serialized string on any page that does it, for instance: or you can also do it on a PHP script by querying the data from the database:

$AppData = unserialize($caseData[0]);

Depending on the result of any method you pick you will find if it is the data that has been serialized or not. The advantage of doing this with PHP is that you might get an offset error and you can see where the issue in the serialized is.

Let me know that goes.

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