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I need to add enable Validation and Disable Validation.
As on attached image, if the "Declaration" is Not Available then "justification/Remarks" is required other wise not required.
I could not find any way to do it. Please someone help me
image_2020_09_20T05_15_58_286Z.png (29.87 KiB) Viewed 10658 times
Better keep check list box.

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Grid has a new feature which allows us to validate the data entered on the row and column level.

So, Let's see how it can be done with an example. Suppose we have a Grid like below: We want to validate the data in the FirstName, LastName and SSN columns only. The validation should be shown according to the rules that we define.

For this purpose, let's create a custom control to show the error messages and it's binding with the Grid.

First of all, create a class having three properties (string) like below:

public class ValidationRule { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public string SSN { get; set; } }

Now, create a custom validator control and inherit it from the default Grid Validation Control. [crayon-5b8a2c0a7e25069187860/] Next, let's add some validations for our columns in GridView_RowCommand event: [crayon-5b8a2c0a7e25d36253712/] Here, we are validating the first name and last name on their length and adding error.

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