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I'm using Processmaker version 3.3.15 and about a week we facing this error when trying to upload any file into multifile fields in forms:
Too Many Requests: Upon configurations, you have reached the maximum number of files to upload.
I don't know what causes this but i googled it and find bug fix in version 3.4.7 that point this problem.
The upgrading solution is the last solution for me because of a huge amount of open tasks and processes that would be hard or nearly impossible to migrate to new version without shutting everything down for couple of days :cry:
PLEASE HELP ME! I need to somehow reset the file upload counter somewhere! I don't know where it is? Is it in database or in a file?!
Actually i found a parameter "upload_attempts_limit_per_user" which is in file : workflow/engine/src/ProcessMaker/Core/System.php
BUT its value is 60,1 which means (if i understand it correctly) 60 files per (1) minute, so why is this limit globally affects all my users?! :(

Thanks in advance,
Ehsan Varasteh

UPDATE: I managed to find the lines of this error in file ValidationUploadedFiles.php in workflow/engine/src/ProcessMaker/Validation/ and comment some lines in it(upload_attempts_limit_per_user lines) and now error gone! I know this is not the best solution, but for now it works for me.

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