Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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By marcosfpa
The ProcessMaker Community does not have Timer Edge event, which is timed task control and perform an action when the deadline expires. I have a need that is to derive the case to another task when the current task expires the deadline. Is this possible via TRIGGER or some function?
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By amosbatto
Create a separate loop-around process that periodically executes a trigger which routes on cases in the other process that have spent too long in the task:
looparoundprocess.png (10.88 KiB) Viewed 6900 times
Set the intermediate timer event to execute every couple hours.

In the script task, use this trigger:
Code: Select all
$taskId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; //Set to the ID of the task to skip in the other process
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$aDelegations = executeQuery($query);

if (!is_array($aDelegations)) {
   throw new Exception("Error: Bad Query: ".$query);
$g = new G();

foreach ($aDelegations as $aDel) {    
   $result = PMFDerivateCase($aDel['APP_UID'], $aDel['DEL_INDEX'], false, $aDel['USR_UID']);
   if (is_object($result)) {
      throw new Exception('Error routing case: '.$result->message);
Set up your server to periodically execute the timereventcron.php script. Then start a new case in your loop-around case and route it to the second task so it will run forever.
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By amosbatto
To debug, execute the trigger in a normal task and check the @@__ERROR__ variable in the debugger.
Try this code to debug:
Code: Select all
@=aDelegations = $aDelegations;
foreach ($aDelegations as $aDel) {   
   $result = PMFDerivateCase($aDel['APP_UID'], $aDel['DEL_INDEX'], false, $aDel['USR_UID']);
   @=result = $result;
   if (is_object($result)) {
      throw new Exception('Error routing case: '.$result->message);
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By amosbatto
Oh I see the problem in the code I gave you. Change this line:
Code: Select all
if (!is_array($row)) {
   throw new Exception("Error: Bad Query: ".$query);
Code: Select all
if (!is_array($aDelegations)) {
   throw new Exception("Error: Bad Query: ".$query);
I have corrected it in the original post.
By RobertoB
Dear Amos,

Thank you for all the hints.

Can this be done with a loop-around task in the same process? And can the the overdue task be a user task with a dynaform?

The issues is: how to make a user task with dynaform not wait forever, so that it proceeds to the loop-around task.

I suppose that PMFDerivateCase() would work also within the same process.

Best regards,

By RobertoB
well, I guess I know the answer from your other post:

"[...]If you include a intermediate Timer Event in your process, then the flow of the process will stop until the timer finishes (and the timereventcron.php script is executed to resume the case). "

Since Boundary Interrupt Timers are not part of PM Community, I guess the only option is a separate process running infinitely. Correct?


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