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By groakes
Hi folks,

apologies if this has been asked before but I couldn't find it from a search.

Is there a way to upload files using a Web Entry form? The Multiple File Uploader doesn't work (as per the documentation) and I don't seem to be able to get the File Control associated with an Input Document to work either. Is there something I'm missing (highly likely!).

Thanks in advance
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By amosbatto
File controls should work in Web Entry. What version of PM are you using? Is it manual or Bitnami? What OS?

If you want me to check your process, then post the .pmx file here.
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By groakes
Thanks fo rthat Amos - I had set up the path incorrectly in the Input document.

Another question though - according to the documentation it is possible to use the file control to upload multiple files, but I can't seem to do that - I can only select and upload one file. Is there something I'm missing?

Also there's a mention in the documentation taht support for the File control will stop after 3.2. Does that mean that there is an alternative mechanism for uploading files from a Web Entry form?

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By amosbatto
groakes wrote:Another question though - according to the documentation it is possible to use the file control to upload multiple files, but I can't seem to do that - I can only select and upload one file. Is there something I'm missing?
The File control only allows one file to be uploaded. The FileUpload (also called the "MultipleFile" control) allows multiple files to be uploaded, but it currently doesn't work in Web Entry. The problems with the FileUpload control in Web Entry forms will be fixed in the next version 3.2.2, so wait for its release.

If you need to upload multiple files right now, then put a File control in a grid in your Web Entry form. You can then use the PMFAssociateUploadedFilesWithInputFile() function in a trigger in the first task to associate the uploaded files with an Input Document.
groakes wrote:Also there's a mention in the documentation taht support for the File control will stop after 3.2. Does that mean that there is an alternative mechanism for uploading files from a Web Entry form?
The FileUpload control in 3.2.2 will be fixed for Web Entry and it will have a property to set the maximum number of allowed files, so if set to 1, then it will function like the File control.

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