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I want to duplicate a running case using a trigger (or another way maybe?).

I've run into a couple of hard situations, which would be easier if I could, in some way, duplicate cases. The two most important situations are:

1. A specific task is always failing. If I want to retest that task, I have to run through all the tasks prior to the target task, which is tedious and time-consuming "process", especially if I want to test the last task in a process of ten tasks!
2. If you have, in average, three test cases for every task in a process of ten tasks, you would have a horrible nightmare testing that process in the traditional way.

Any suggestion to tackle these problems is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by mustapah on Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:39 am, edited 5 times in total.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to duplicate a case, but I will give you 3 possible ways to solve this:
1. One way is to add a start event to each task in your case and use newCase() to start the case in any task. You can copy the data from the old task to the new task when in the fourth parameter of newCase(). The problem is if you only want the data up to a certain point in the process. You can examine the contents of the APP_HISTORY table to figure out which data was changed in each task in the process. The problem with this solution is that adding start events to every task makes your process look ugly and users who worked on the original case won't see the cloned case in the list at Home > Participated and you won't see their actions to the cloned case under Information > Case History.

2. If you truly want to clone the case, you need to copy the records for the case from the APPLICATION, APP_DELEGATION, APP_CACHE_VIEW, APP_HISTORY tables in the database and create new records with the same contents but change the ID at APP_UID and the case number at APP_NUMBER, plus not include the current task and open the previous task, so the case will start there. Also you have to look at the APP_HISTORY table to figure out what case data to revert to its state at the previous task.

3. Do you really need to clone the case? Frankly, it is much easier to just delete the current task in the APP_DELEGATION and APP_CACHE_VIEW tasks and reopen the previous task in the database if you just want to revert to the previous task in the process?

If you tell me which of the three solutions you want, I will try to work on it tomorrow and give you clearer instructions.
Thanks Batto for these smart suggestions :)

I think case cloning is a better option than revert to the nearest task, as I don't have to make any logic to check if I should or shouldn't revert based on the task state after a specific trigger execution. What do you think?. If you think of any workaround to this issue, please go ahead and give me a pseudo code or some instructions to revert a case to the nearest task. Otherwise, the second solution would be ideal in my situation.
You can create a separate process to clone cases. Add a Dynaform with a "selectCase" field to enter the unique ID of the case to clone. Then, the following trigger can be used to clone the case:
Code: Select all
if (empty(@@selectedCase)) { 
  goto triggerEnd;

function esc($s) {
  return mysql_real_escape_string($s);

$caseId = @@selectedCase;
$g = new G();
$cloneCaseId = $g->generateUniqueID(); 

//get next case number:
$lastCaseNo = executeQuery($sql)[1]['ID']
$nextCaseNo = $lastCaseNo + 1;

//clone the APPLICATION record:
$aRows = executeQuery($sql);
$aRow = $aRows[1];   
$cloneTitle = esc('#'.$nextCaseNo.' (cloned #'.$aRow['APP_TITLE'].')');
$appData = esc($aRow['APP_DATA']);
$desc = esc($aRow['APP_DESCRIPTION']);

$result = executeQuery($sql);   

//set next case No:
$sql = "UPDATE APP_SEQUENCE SET ID=$nextCaseNo";

//clone APP_DELEGATION records:
$aRows = executeQuery($sql);

foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
   $delData = esc($aRow['DEL_DATA']);
      VALUES (

//clone APP_THREAD records:
$aRows = executeQuery($sql);

foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
      VALUES (

//clone APP_DOCUMENT records:
$aRows = executeQuery($sql);

foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
   $cloneAppDocUid = $g->generateUniqueID();
   $filename = esc($aRow['APP_DOC_FILENAME']);
   $fileComment = esc($aRow['APP_DOC_COMMENT']);
      VALUES (
   $basePath = PATH_DOCUMENT. $g->getPathFromUID($caseId);
   $cloneBasePath = PATH_DOCUMENT. $g->getPathFromUID($cloneCaseId);
   if (!file_exists($cloneBasePath)) {      
      if (!mkdir($cloneBasePath .PATH_SEP. 'outdocs', 0755, true)) {
         throw new Exception("Error creating directories $cloneBasePath");
   if ($aRow['APP_DOC_TYPE'] != 'OUTPUT') {
      $basePath .= PATH_SEP . 'outdocs' . PATH_SEP;
      $cloneBasePath .= PATH_SEP . 'outdocs' . PATH_SEP;
      $oldPath = $basePath . $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'] .'_'. $aRow['DOC_VERSION'];
      $clonePath = $cloneBasePath . $cloneAppDocUid .'_'. $aRow['DOC_VERSION'];
      foreach (glob($oldPath.'.*') as $filePath) {
         $ext = pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         if (!copy($filePath, $clonePath.'.'.$ext)) {
            throw new Exception("Error copying from $filePath to $clonePath.$ext");
   else { //if an Input Document or attached file 
      $ext = pathinfo($aRow['APP_DOC_FILENAME'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); 
      $oldPath = $basePath .PATH_SEP. $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'] .'_'. $aRow['DOC_VERSION'] .'.'.$ext;
      $clonePath = $cloneBasePath .PATH_SEP. $cloneAppDocUid .'_'. $aRow['DOC_VERSION'] .'.'.$ext;
      if (!copy($oldPath, $clonePath)) {
         throw new Exception("Error copying from $oldPath to $newPath");
   //copy CONTENT records for document
   $contentQuery = "SELECT * FROM CONTENT WHERE CON_ID='$aRow['APP_DOC_UID']}'
      AND CON_PARENT='{$aRow['DOC_VERSION']}'";
   $aContentRows = executeQuery($contentQuery);   
   foreach ($aContentRows as $aContentRow) {
      $conValue = esc($aContentRow['CON_VALUE'])
      $contentInsert = "INSERT INTO CONTENT (
        VALUES (
//clone APP_CACHE_VIEW records:
$aRows = executeQuery($sql);

foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
   $cloneTitle = esc('#'.$nextCaseNo.' (cloned #'.$aRow['APP_TITLE'].')');
   $processTitle = esc($aRow['APP_PRO_TITLE']);
   $taskTitle = $aRow['APP_TAS_TITLE']);
   $currentUser = esc(['APP_CURRENT_USER']);
   $previousUser = esc('APP_DEL_PREVIOUS_USER']);

      VALUES (

$aRows = executeQuery($sql);
foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
      VALUES ('$cloneCaseId', {$aRow['DEL_INDEX']}, '{$aRow['PRO_UID']}', 
      '{$aRow['TAS_UID']}', '{$aRow['GRP_UID']}')";

//copy all the other APP_* tables


I haven't finished this trigger and haven't debugged it, but it covers the most important tables holding information about cases. If I have time in the future, I'll finish it, but you can use it to get started. For example, if you want to clone paused cases, you need to copy the records for the case found in the APP_DELAY table. This code is for version 3.2.1. If using another version, you may need to delete some of the new database fields which were added in recent versions of ProcessMaker.

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