Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker: user interface, running cases & functionality
By tomchan
Hi all,
I am newbie and using PM3.
I had one case is stuck on loading when I open it.
Is there any soluntion to fix it.(
Thanks in advance for your help
By JonathanMiller
Which browser are you using? If you open the Developer Console on your browser do you have any errors in the console.

I have a user reporting a similar issue and I am investigating. They may be related. My user is using Edge and they are getting some JQuery errors so I am interested if you are similar.
By tomchan
Thanks JonathanMiller
here are the error message when I open the case
Code: Select all
VM4514:4455 Uncaught ReferenceError: fwfs is not defined
    at getR3 (eval at <anonymous> (jquery-1.11.js:2:2620), <anonymous>:4455:5)
    at HTMLDocument.eval (eval at <anonymous> (jquery-1.11.js:2:2620), <anonymous>:352:3)
    at j (jquery-1.11.js:2:27244)
    at Object.add [as done] (jquery-1.11.js:2:27553)
    at m.fn.ready (jquery-1.11.js:2:29659)
    at eval (eval at <anonymous> (jquery-1.11.js:2:2620), <anonymous>:74:13)
    at eval (<anonymous>)
    at jquery-1.11.js:2:2620
    at Function.globalEval (jquery-1.11.js:2:2631)
    at m.fn.init.domManip (jquery-1.11.js:3:22994)
I noticed that the APP_DATA of application table is incomplete.
I had tried to empty it but not works
is there any solution to regenerate it
By JonathanMiller
I'm not familiar with the error "fwfs is not defined".

The APP_DATA column in the APPLICATION table is supposed to contain the serialized data of individual Cases. It can be difficult to read. It can also be difficult to edit without corruption. It is certainly possible though. You have to be careful with escaping certain characters. The best way would be to retrieve the data from a backup, but the easiest would be to just create a new Case to replace any broken ones.
By tomchan
It's strange that I can view it but can't open it directly data is fine
now I will create a new case to replace it
and other thing is also strange , these tables are extremely large

APP_HISTORY ~82,717 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 21.5 GiB -
APPLICATION ~794,399 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 15.9 GiB

thanks for your support and guidance

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