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Assignment Rule after web entry

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:46 am
by ray445
Hi! I am new at ProcessMaker and I have a litle doubt about web entries, when an external user submit the information in a Dynaform, How can I assign the same user to the first task of the process?

For example, An external user enters the web entry and then submit a first Dynaform, then in the first task the user have to upload a document in order to complete his solicitude.

Re: Assignment Rule after web entry

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:55 pm
by amosbatto
Web entry doesn't know who is the user who fills in the form, because no login is required to use web entry. If you want to know who is the user, then you should start the case inside the ProcessMaker interface.

The best that you can do is allow the user filling in the Web Entry form to select which user will be assigned to the first task in the process. I have created a programming example to explain how to do this. See: ... rForTask1/

By the way, File fields can be used in Web Entry in PM 3.2.1 and earlier. MultipleFile fields can be used in Web Entry in PM 3.2.2 and later.