Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3

I originally install using Bitnami and now I would like to do a Manual Installation and then upgrade to 3.4 if possible.

I have my manual installation complete on a new server. I can login and install 3.2.1 again.
I have made a backup of my database on the old server and have restore to new server. I see that is shows as bitnami_pm versus wf_workflow with the manual installation. If I copy my Processmaker directory over the manual installation the site comes up but I cannot put in my workspace information and the login screen doesn't look the same like the colors are dimmed out. I am not sure if I missed a step along the way.

I am trying to roadmap this process as I would like to get apache and php upgraded to avoid security risks that are now showing up in the bitnami version that I have installed.

Thank you in advance for your help.
I have been reading so many different links I think I am spinning in circles and figured it was time to reach out and ask for help.

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