Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3
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By mostafafad
Hey PM community

I hope you can help me with the below issue relating to email configuraiton.

I can telnet to the smtp server and port but I can't save the connection as it states "Destination Port Unreacheable" (even though it sends the test email and verifies logging in to the server). Attached a screenshot below.

Version details for the current installation:

Version 3.1-1
* Updated phpMyAdmin to
* Updated PHP to 5.6.28
* Updated MySQL to 5.5.53

Installation folder name: processmaker-3.1.3.b1-0

PMEmailServer.png (16.72 KiB) Viewed 6159 times
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By amosbatto
Have you verified that the port 25 isn't blocked either on your ProcessMaker server or by the local network?

On you ProcessMaker server issue this from the command line:
telnet 25

Then to to another computer on your network and scan for the open ports on your ProcessMaker server:
nmap -n -PN -sT -sU -p- your-pm-server-address
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By mostafafad
Hey Amos

thanks for your reply, can you tell me why port 25 should be opened on my processmaker server?
Should it be opened form a network perspective or just as a firewall outbound rule?

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By amosbatto
Are you running your own email server? If so, then you need port 25 open on the machine running the email server. Otherwise, you don't need to worry about it.

If you are using an external email server, then you should try ports 25 (unecrypted), 465 (ssl) and 587 (tls). Some email providers now block port 25. If you aren't sure which port is being used then use nmap to check:
Code: Select all
# nmap -n -PN -sT

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2018-03-21 10:39 BOT
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.025s latency).
Other addresses for (not scanned):
Not shown: 987 filtered ports
25/tcp   open   smtp
80/tcp   open   http
110/tcp  open   pop3
113/tcp  closed ident
135/tcp  open   msrpc
143/tcp  open   imap
443/tcp  open   https
465/tcp  open   smtps
587/tcp  open   submission
993/tcp  open   imaps
995/tcp  open   pop3s
2000/tcp open   cisco-sccp
5060/tcp open   sip

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.79 seconds
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By mostafafad
Yes, I'm using an internal SMTP server, and it is open on port 25
But I still can't understand why it is failing to save, especially that the test email is being sent. Any ideas?
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By amosbatto
Do you have a network firewall that is blocking port 25?

If you are outside your network, what do you see when you try to connect to port 25?
nmap -n -PN -sT
telnet 25
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By mostafafad
I can't use nmap for internal reasons, but telnet to hte smtp.*******.ae 25 opens the smtp command line
So I am not really sure why is this happening, especially since there is no firewall blocking it.
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By amosbatto
You should probably ask on stackoverflow or a forum dedicated to email servers. Someone who is an expert in this might be able to help you.

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