Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3
By grayman
I have to say that the pre-installation of the program was very difficult.
There is no simple and easy documentation to install the PM 3.0 on my server as a host. I have VPS and I would like to install the PM on some of domain that I have created on VPS. I dont like the PM install on main domain on VPS.
After searching the Internet and reading various solutions, PM was finally installed!!!
Now, to create a Process in Design section, this message appears at the top of the page:
Code: Select all
Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/dev/urandom) is not within the allowed path(s):.....
I've disabled OpenBasedire. The message was not displayed.
After creating a Process and pressing the Save button, the "Error saving the process." message was displayed.
I have no idea what is happend and how to solve this error.
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By amosbatto
Where did you place your shared directory? Is it in the standard place of <INSTALL-DIRECTORY>/processmaker/shared or did you use a different location?

Can you post a screen shot of your setup at Admin > System Information? Do you have root access to the command line in your VPS?
By grayman
amosbatto wrote:Where did you place your shared directory? Is it in the standard place of <INSTALL-DIRECTORY>/processmaker/shared or did you use a different location?
Yes it is in the standard place and chmod is 777
amosbatto wrote:Can you post a screen shot of your setup at Admin > System Information? Do you have root access to the command line in your VPS?
This is a screen shot of Admin > System Information and nothing has been shown!
amosbatto wrote:Do you have root access to the command line in your VPS?
Yes I have root access with SSH.

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