Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3

I'm using bitnami VM and trying various things to migrate to a clean new 3.2 vm. In my trials I have found that on my production server I cant even back up my workspace due to the size being too large. Upon further investigation, the history table seems very large (1.1GB). Other tables are in comparison quite small. I'm not sure the exact things that should be in this table, but it includes binary data which I'm guessing may be part of the reason its so big.
Code: Select all
mysql> SELECT TABLE_NAME, table_rows, data_length, index_length,
    -> round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024),2) "Size in MB"
    -> FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = "bitnami_pm"
    -> ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;
| TABLE_NAME                    | table_rows | data_length | index_length | Size in MB |
| app_history                   |      27711 |  1171865600 |      5832704 |    1123.14 |
| app_message                   |       8411 |   147095552 |            0 |     140.28 |
| application                   |       1247 |    29376512 |       425984 |      28.42 |
| app_cache_view                |      13345 |     9928704 |     10911744 |      19.88 |
| content                       |      20770 |     4603904 |      3637248 |       7.86 |
| app_delegation                |      14634 |     6307840 |            0 |       6.02 |
| app_document                  |       4983 |     3653632 |      1589248 |       5.00 |
| login_log                     |       5321 |     1474560 |      1589248 |       2.92 |
| iso_location                  |      55577 |     2637824 |            0 |       2.52 |
| pmt_install_review            |       1371 |     1589248 |            0 |       1.52 |
| translation                   |       4344 |     1589248 |            0 |       1.52 |
| pmt_medcha                    |       1252 |     1540096 |            0 |       1.47 |
| dynaform                      |         26 |     1097728 |            0 |       1.05 |
| app_folder                    |       1359 |      180224 |            0 |       0.17 |
| app_delay                     |        212 |       81920 |        98304 |       0.17 |
| pmoauth_user_access_tokens    |        686 |      163840 |            0 |       0.16 |
| app_thread                    |       1339 |      147456 |            0 |       0.14 |
| process_variables             |        294 |      114688 |            0 |       0.11 |
| bpmn_flow                     |         57 |       49152 |        49152 |       0.09 |
| triggers                      |         36 |       98304 |            0 |       0.09 |
| app_notes                     |         73 |       49152 |        32768 |       0.08 |
| oauth_refresh_tokens          |        326 |       81920 |            0 |       0.08 |
| bpmn_lane                     |          0 |       16384 |        49152 |       0.06 |
| configuration                 |          8 |       65536 |            0 |       0.06 |
| iso_subdivision               |        880 |       65536 |            0 |       0.06 |
| bpmn_gateway                  |          4 |       16384 |        49152 |       0.06 |
| bpmn_event                    |         23 |       16384 |        49152 |       0.06 |
| bpmn_data                     |          0 |       16384 |        49152 |       0.06 |
| bpmn_bound                    |         59 |       16384 |        49152 |       0.06 |
| bpmn_artifact                 |          0 |       16384 |        49152 |       0.06 |
| bpmn_activity                 |         32 |       16384 |        49152 |       0.06 |
| fields                        |        183 |       65536 |            0 |       0.06 |
| bpmn_laneset                  |          0 |       16384 |        49152 |       0.06 |
| bpmn_extension                |          0 |       16384 |        32768 |       0.05 |
| bpmn_documentation            |          0 |       16384 |        32768 |       0.05 |
| department                    |          1 |       16384 |        32768 |       0.05 |
| bpmn_diagram                  |         14 |       16384 |        32768 |       0.05 |
| list_inbox                    |          0 |       16384 |        32768 |       0.05 |
| users                         |         71 |       49152 |            0 |       0.05 |
| bpmn_process                  |         14 |       16384 |        32768 |       0.05 |
| bpmn_participant              |          0 |       16384 |        32768 |       0.05 |
| session_storage               |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| catalog                       |          9 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| session                       |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| case_tracker_object           |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| object_permission             |         10 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| sub_process                   |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| step_supervisor               |         21 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| list_paused                   |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| list_participated_last        |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| list_participated_history     |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| notification_device           |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| db_source                     |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| usr_reporting                 |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| bpmn_project                  |         14 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| dashboard_indicator           |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| list_canceled                 |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| shadow_table                  |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| event                         |          0 |       16384 |        16384 |       0.03 |
| task_user                     |         36 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| additional_tables             |          4 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| email_server                  |          1 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| language                      |        136 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| app_solr_queue                |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| rbac_permissions              |         19 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| email_event                   |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| app_owner                     |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| rbac_authentication_source    |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| task                          |         32 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| abe_responses                 |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| output_document               |          3 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| swimlanes_elements            |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| sequences                     |          1 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| abe_requests                  |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| element_task_relation         |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| process_user                  |          5 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| case_tracker                  |          1 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| script_task                   |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| abe_configuration             |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| log_cases_scheduler           |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| oauth_scopes                  |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| process_owner                 |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| sub_application               |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| route                         |         37 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| process_files                 |         21 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| step_trigger                  |         37 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| report_var                    |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| list_unassigned_group         |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| process_category              |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| case_scheduler                |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| report_table                  |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| dim_time_delegate             |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| list_unassigned               |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| oauth_clients                 |          1 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| step                          |         27 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| rbac_users_roles              |         76 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| dim_time_complete             |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| iso_country                   |        243 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| oauth_authorization_codes     |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| process                       |         14 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| case_consolidated             |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| app_event                     |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| input_document                |          5 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| oauth_access_tokens           |         19 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| pro_reporting                 |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| calendar_holidays             |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| rbac_users                    |         76 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| web_entry_event               |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| holiday                       |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| pmt_modems                    |         32 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| calendar_definition           |          1 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| rbac_systems                  |          2 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| web_entry                     |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| groupwf                       |          9 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| list_my_inbox                 |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| message_type_variable         |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| pmt_media_engines             |         13 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| calendar_business_hours       |          1 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| rbac_roles_permissions        |         36 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| dashlet_instance              |          4 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| message_type                  |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| calendar_assignments          |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| rbac_roles                    |          4 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| dashlet                       |          4 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| users_properties              |         76 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| group_user                    |         78 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| message_event_relation        |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| gateway                       |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| list_completed                |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| dashboard_das_ind             |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| app_assign_self_service_value |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| message_event_definition      |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| dashboard                     |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| stage                         |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| addons_store                  |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| field_condition               |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| license_manager               |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| app_timeout_action_executed   |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| message_application           |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| timer_event                   |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| addons_manager                |         15 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
| lexico                        |          0 |       16384 |            0 |       0.02 |
example section of data queried out below. The last entry there is a huge string which I have cut short for obvious reasons.
Code: Select all
So, should history be so large? Is there a possible issue with the process that's causing incorrect data to be saved into it? Can it be cleaned out?

Thanks a lot
The APP_HISTORY can be quite large if you uploaded files or pasted large amounts of text into textareas. You can delete the contents of the APP_HISTORY table if you don't care about being able to check the history of cases by going to Information > Case History in the menu when the case is open. The other thing you could do is search for cases which have large entries in the APP_HISTORY table and only delete those records in the APP_HISTORY table.

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