Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3
By zhufei
I have a question about processmaker when i use processmaker.
The error info see next picture:
Catch4CB9(08-26-02-59-06).jpg (232.78 KiB) Viewed 5470 times
I want to solve the problem but i find i can't see security code img
CatchB158(08-26-02-59-06).jpg (43 KiB) Viewed 5470 times
I want to how can solve the problem
my processmaker version is 3.1.2-community

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By amosbatto
Your firewall is probably blocking access to the internet so the CAPTCHA can't be generated. You should fix that.

However, if you want to get around the problem for now, edit workflow/engine/methods/setup/appCacheViewAjax.php and change line 306 from:
Code: Select all
        if ($code !== $_SESSION['securimage_code_disp']['default']) {
            echo G::loadTranslation('ID_CAPTCHA_CODE_INCORRECT');
Code: Select all
        /*if ($code !== $_SESSION['securimage_code_disp']['default']) {
            echo G::loadTranslation('ID_CAPTCHA_CODE_INCORRECT');
Then, edit workflow/engine/templates/setup/appCacheViewConf.js and change line 181 from:
Code: Select all
          if (!fsf.getForm().isValid()) {
Code: Select all
          /*if (!fsf.getForm().isValid()) {
Those changes should allow you to bypass the CAPTCHA. If you still can't, delete the cache on your web browser and try again. Also you need to set the "Host" field. If ProcessMaker and MySQL are installed on the same server, you can probably set it to "localhost".
By zhufei
I have according to your prompt changes
but still has error
1.png (36.05 KiB) Viewed 5460 times
2.png (36.05 KiB) Viewed 5460 times
3.png (14.05 KiB) Viewed 5460 times
4.png (24.55 KiB) Viewed 5460 times
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By programerboy

You must check two paths:
1. This path must exists in your project : "vendor/dapphp/securimage". If not exist you can download it again from and replace it in your project

2. check "workflow\engine\methods\setup\appCacheViewAjax.php" in line 340,
It must be like this:
case 'captcha':
require_once PATH_TRUNK . 'vendor/dapphp/securimage/securimage.php';
$img = new Securimage();

if it didn't solve, please send me the image location of your captcha

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By amosbatto
If you are seeing the message box "The Captcha code is incorrect", then you didn't comment out the code in the workflow/engine/methods/setup/appCacheViewAjax.php as I explained in the previous post or you didn't clear the cache on your web browser. See:

The other option is to correct the path in the source code to where you have the file vendor/dapphp/securimage/securimage.php on your server as programerboy explained.

What version of PM are you using? Did you install manually or with Bitnami and what operating system are you using? I want to check if there is a bug because the CAPTCHA should work without playing with the source code.

You also have an error message that you can't connect to the database as the MySQL root user. Do you know the root password for your installation of MySQL?
Try this from the command line of your PM server:
mysql -u root -p
(If using windows you will need to use the "cd" command to go to the directory where the mysql.exe file is located, before issuing this command.)
Can you login to MySQL?

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