Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3
By mstrfrnk0
Hi to all, I been trying to figure out why I can't send email through SMTP with TSL in PM 3.1.3 in Debian or CentOs, I recently posted something with the name CentOS Email Setup and received some tips to resolve the issue but there's no way I can't send email from linux to our Exchange mail server, before all of this I had a PM in Windows and it's working like a charm. Does any one have any idea why I have this issue, I use the recommended setup in the wiki site of PM, Do I need to install something else to get email working?
By mstrfrnk0
amosbatto wrote:¿Cual valor has cambiado? ¿Es algo que puede ayudar a otras personas?
Linea 464 columna 47

function auth($uid, $pwd, $method = ' ')
if (empty($this -> esmtp['AUTH'])) {
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.1.0', '>='))

el valor inicial de PHP versión era 5.1.0, una vez cambie esto puedo completar la prueba de email sin auth por el puerto 25, el único inconveniente ahora es que cada test me envia el mensaje dos veces. pero como se dice aca: pana aguacates.
seguiré buscando para ver como se puede corregir este asunto.

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