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ProcessMaker 2.5.2 has been released!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:03 pm
by liliana
ProcessMaker Release Notes
v. 2.5.2 (Release date: January 14th, 2014)

ProcessMaker is a cost effective and easy to use open source business process management (BPM) & workflow software application. Workflow software such as ProcessMaker can assist organizations of any size with designing, automating and deploying business processes or workflows of various kinds.

ProcessMaker workflow software features an extensive toolbox which provides the ability to easily create digital forms and map out fully functioning workflows. The software is completely web based and accessed via any web browser, making it simple to manage and coordinate workflows throughout an entire organization - including user groups and departments. ProcessMaker workflow software can also interact with other applications and systems such as ERP, business intelligence, CRM and document management.

Release date: January 14th, 2014

ProcessMaker v.2.5.2 is a regular bug-fix release and a very important structural change. Since this version QA is being performed in PHP 5.3.x (and we plan to start testings on PHP v 5.4)., However, PHP v 5.2.x could be used, although it is not a recommended version anymore. Finally, the version of our PHP in the Windows installer has been updated to PHP v 5.3.13.

Starting with this release QA is being performed in PHP 5.3.x (and we plan to start tests for PHP 5.4). This means that PHP 5.2.x is not anymore a recommended version.

ProcessMaker v.2.5.2 is a regular bug-fix release and a very important structural change, since this version we no longer support PHP v 5.2, so please be sure to have PHP v 5.3 installed to have ProcessMaker running. Moreover, the version of our PHP in the Windows installer has been updated to PHP v 5.3.13

This document describes its feature enhancements and many bug fixes including the following highlights:

What’s new:
● Trigger editor improved by adding a pop up when a code needs to be edited. (10870)
● Possibility to customize 404 Not Found and 403 Forbidden Error pages per skin (11603)
● From Name field was added, in order to change the from for notifications sent by the system (11522)
● Improvement when executing workspace-restore command. (13342)

What’s fixed:
● Problem sending attach files using PMFSendMessage() function (12375)
● Loosing Email Notification Setting. (11821 )
● Assignment rule is internally modified after changing the case title label (11836)
● When you change the task name the task notification is disabled. (12724)
● Error in Grid dates (12389)

For a detailed description of how to use ProcessMaker please see the wiki page (

To see the change log, visit the wiki page:

To report a bug please go to web page:


For more information of ProcessMaker installation requirements please see the wiki page: (

Browser Compatibility:
● Firefox v.26
● Chrome V.31
● Internet Explorer v. 8 and 9

For more information of ProcessMaker installation requirements please see the wiki page:

New Features

11374: Supervisor is able to reassign cases to himself.
11522: From Name field was added, in order to change the from for notifications sent by the system
11603: Possibility to customize 404 Not Found and 403 Forbidden Error pages per skins
12115: A confirm message was added before printing a dynaform to save edited data.
12219: It is possible to claim a case by using the new web service claimCase().
12254: In the upper right side of the window, inside a PM Table data, a new search is added
12465: It is possible to force Cron execution by using the +force option.
13323: A new attribute, inside the suggest field, was added. This determines how searches are performed and the criteria to be used.
13508The "registerCronFile" method was added to be used in the plugins definition, in this way, plugins can register files to be executed.
13576: The size attribute was included inside Date fields.


9980: Even if you create your process in a different language than the one you are using to edit it, task titles now will appear in the language you use to create your process.
10181: Improved date calculation considering holidays and weekends for due dates and events.
10870: Trigger editor improved by adding a pop up when code needs to be edited.
11751: Instead of deleting the last row of a grid, its content is deleted.
11909: “Conditions Editor” was removed from the grid designer.
12029: A new MySQL trigger was added in order to modify the value of the PREVIOUS_USR_UID column, this value will return the user who derives the case.
12374: Only Administrator users are able to modify users roles.
12434: PDF Compressing files is enabled by default in both libraries(HTML2PDF and TCPDF).
12738: Grid Textarea fields weren’t working when they have a query to obtain a data or to execute dependent fields.
12749: On new installations env.ini file has been incremented from 128M to 256M.
12768: Trigger after InputDocument step executes before input document is saved
13342: Improvement when executing workspace-restore command.
13383: Hotfixes can now be applied in non standard installation paths
13400: Attach files with the same name in an email
13425: “AUTH_SOURCE_PASSWORD” field from “AUTHENTICATION_SOURCE” table, has been incremented in size. This change is applied to all RBAC tables.
13463: Searches inside Advance Search interface took long. In this version an optimization has been made by adding a new Index (indexAppDelay) inside APP_DELAY table.
13506: A new method was added which allows to create a maximum of 5 log files. This avoid the error message displayed when cron.log file is greater than 2GB.

Fixed bugs:

5120: Change text to clarify the purpose of user for the Case Scheduler
5488: Case inbox refresh time should be configurable
5720: Can not send Next Task Assignment Notifications with grid variables
8500: Checkboxes when creating/editing the structure of PM Tables should be centered
8965: Documents download with 0 Kb
9869: Users are not able to double click on the input documents; they have to hit the download button to view the input documents.
10415: No scroll bar in report table to go left or right
10637: Fields validated as "email" do not accept dash (-)
10803: Change field from left to right - Right to left
10836: It is possible to create 2 workspaces with same name.
11075: UP-DOWN option inside triggers is not working
11189: When using grids, file names are not saved in the database.
11283: Simplified Interface not reflecting minutes
11435: Formula field allows to introduce few characters
11511: Wrong text in the warning popup message when previewing sent out emails
11555: Draft status is not changed when using PMFDerivateCase function
11755: User Experience skin is not translated.
11786: Updating a process, notifications configured before are set to its default value
11788: Notifications email: "Content Type" in "HTML template", doesn’t display "Template" dropdown.
11821: Loosing Email Notification Setting.
11830: “importProcessFromLibrary()” method was removed.
11836: Assignment rule is internally modified after changing the case title label
11848: Report table not update when cases were deleted
11886: Problems when running a case scheduler event every 5 minutes.
11919: Not able to use the product, immediate logout after: error ColumnMap for undefined column: CASE_SUMMARY
11934: Problem assigning a position for a checkbox label, it is always displaying at the right side.
11994: Date selector returns 1899-12-31 on ProcessMaker
11998: Spaces added inside the XML of a Dynaform are not displaying.
12047: User list is not showing.
12054: Problem using PMFDerivateCase function.
12059: When 1 trigger is created in a process trigger list of Events is empty
12099: Curl Not able to enable
12104: Assignment rules changes do not persist when notifications are modified
12134: Advanced Search Limits Results
12142: Time in the upper right corner remains in '00:00:00'
12174: In Internet Explorer, the content of the trigger editor is not displaying correctly and scrollbars of it are missing.
12177: Problems in the task names when importing a process.
12106: Dynaform submit is not working
12112: "caseList" webservice is running a query that crashes ProcessMaker
12131: Misspelling in the TinyMCE Editor pmGrids
12186: Implementing Autosave Functionality.
12171: Continue buttons in view mode
12178: Misspelling in a label of the English .po file
12189: When calling unpauseCase from a web service twice, the case gets duplicated.
12228: Untranslatable strings in processmaker/workflow/engine/methods/setup/languages_Import.php
12236: Session problems when using the "PMFNewCase" function
12253: When a case is deleted by ProcessMaker, this case is not deleted from the PM Reports.
12258: Preview in Messages history doesn't work in IE
12261: Case URL used in Task Notification doesn't work correctly
12282: Attach documents into emails using original name doesn't work
12284: Session is lost when executing PMFInformationUser() function
12285: Issue with Input Document with Process Permission
12290: Email not being send with Intermediate message
12312: The scrollbar and the width is not displaying correctly in the grid.
12375: Problem sending attach files using PMFSendMessage() function
12387: Grammar Mistakes on English Labels
12389: Error in Grid dates
12467: When modifying a task property, the assignation rule changes
12475: When data is sending by URL, the path is not valid
12488: Date fields are editable even when you not select this function and the data fields have to be validate it.
12540: No message is displayed when the workspace is invalid
12562: Date appears incorrect in the Generated Document List and Input Document List
12623: Maximum lifetime cleaned up, option is not defined if is in milliseconds or seconds
12624: Problem with the DATA when importing PM Tables.
12676: Workspace Restore action from ./processmaker is not working with strange characters.
12709: Actions by email: Problems with the approval link
12724: When you change the task name the task notification is disabled.
12784: Assignation menus inside Triggers (STEPS) are not displaying correctly
12876: First level trigger window is overlayed
12918: APP_CACHE_VIEW value always displays FALSE value
12932: Not validating input text in the designer
12986: validateForm() is not working
12988: The Resend and Preview is not working in the Message History.
12991: Issue with the old version (HTML2PDF)
12996: The first line of triggers appears cut at half in neoclassic skin (Mozilla Firefox).
13076: Multiple item selection lost for SQL populated listbox
13080: When clicking on the( + )icon in the simplified user interface, user cannot see all the processes he can initiate if the processes are more than 10.
13122: Problems in the trigger Editor only in Internet Explorer
13197: User list is empty when you do an upgrade to 2.5.1
13224: Problems with message history.
13251: Dynaform dependent fields listbox not working correctly
13277: Problem in the Assigning Users to Groups
13317: Problems when editing the XML inside the Dynaform designer
13321: When editing a PM Table text is changed to TIMESTAMP
13324: When ProcessMaker is updated to version 2.5.1, the user name is not displayed.
13337: Alphabetical Order in the Country field.
13358: ProcessMaker does not redirect to login page, if the session is lost
13392: Dependent fields are not showing as selected, but it is assigned in the xml
13396: The order action in Message History section is not working fine
13397: Required fields in file field, inside a Grid, are not working
13399: Text error in trigger wizard
13402 SOLR is trying to show the cases list for the PAUSE folder.
13421: Filter/Sorting enhancements in the designer processes
13428: When 'Copying' a dynaform from another process - Conditions are not copied
13436: ProcessMaker 2.x Authenticated PHP Code Execution
13450: Cancelling a Case doesn't update to CANCEL status in REPORT table
13475: When you get insert a pmconnection into the DynaForm, you get an empty screen
13504: Cron gives an error with Case Scheduler
13507: Extra columns are creating in grids when hidden fields are created.
13528: Error using grids with required fields.
13536: Save as option inside a Dynaform is not working.
13723: Warning when attaching a document in a Grid.

Known Issues

13711: Ordering by dates in the process list is not working
13683: Rename option inside documents, has unnecessary alerts.
13738: The configuration of the "Adjust the grid width to the width of the main form" option doesn't work in User Experience skin.
12819: Cases created using the cron do not insert their reference in the Report Table
13811: Unable to activate MSSQL extension through Windows


● Starting with this release QA is being performed in PHP 5.3.x (and we plan to start tests for PHP 5.4). This means that PHP 5.2.x is not anymore a recommended version.

● It is recommended to switch ProcessMaker to the same language when creating and editing processes, since ProcessMaker DOES NOT support multilingual in tasks and their respective descriptions. For example, if production users will be using ProcessMaker in French, then design their processes with the ProcessMaker interface switched to French.

Languages ( ... nslations/):

● English (Default core language)
● Spanish (Updated for 2.5.2)