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Re: How to end a task with coding?

 by amosbatto ¦  Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:00 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: How to end a task with coding? ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 5932

PMFDeleteCase() only works when deleting a case which is still in the first task of its process. If in a later task, you need to use PMFCancelCase(). This line of code: @@ret = PMFDerivateCase($caseId, $aTasks[1]['DEL_INDEX'], false, $aTasks[1]['USR_UID']); sets the third parameter to false, so it r...

maabik wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:38 pm I have another scenario in my process where I should hide the message
What message are you talking about?

Re: How to end a task with coding?

 by amosbatto ¦  Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:08 am ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: How to end a task with coding? ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 5932

What version of ProcessMaker are you using? There is a bug is some versions of PM that prevents more than one trigger from executing during routing. Try combining your triggers into one trigger. For example, if you have 2 triggers after routing, then put the code from the two triggers into one trigg...

Re: Problema con documento de salida

 by amosbatto ¦  Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:53 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Problema con documento de salida ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 3086

Necesitas usar colspan="2" en la cabecera de la tabla asi: <table border="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 551px; height: 13px;"> <thead> <tr> <td align="center" style="width: 100%;" colspan="2" ><font size="1" face="andale mono,times"><strong>INFORMACIÓN DEL SOLICITANTE</strong></font></td> ...

Re: Case exists in DB but not in Processmaker Advanced search

 by amosbatto ¦  Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:22 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Case exists in DB but not in Processmaker Advanced search ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 8241

I wonder if the duplicate task (DEL_INDEX of 19 and 20) is causing a problem, because the case is still listed in the APP_DELAY table. Can you check if there is an entry for this case in the APP_DELAY table? If so, post its record. You are going to have to upgrade to solve the problem with duplicate...

Re: Getting User Data via REST API from LDAP

 by amosbatto ¦  Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:04 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Getting User Data via REST API from LDAP ¦  Replies: 44 ¦  Views: 25124

The variable that you are using for Value Based Assignment isn't set to the ID of the user to assign to the task. You need to study this example: It shows you how to populate the dropdown box with the users...

Re: Error displaying field names

 by amosbatto ¦  Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:48 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Error displaying field names ¦  Replies: 3 ¦  Views: 4756

Try clearing ProcessMaker's cache:

Then, clear your web browser's cache.

Does that fix it?

Re: Getting this error

 by amosbatto ¦  Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:45 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Getting this error ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 3170

You are probably calling a PM function that is querying the TASK table. What is your code?

Re: Ho< to translate an internal message error

 by amosbatto ¦  Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:43 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Ho< to translate an internal message error ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 4748

The phrase hasn't been translated, so you need to translate it. You need to go to Admin > Languages and select the language in the list. Then click on the Export button to download the PO file. Then open the PO file will a plain text editor and look for this part: # TRANSLATION # LABEL/ID_UPLOAD_INV...

Re: Send the input document as BASE64 via REST API

 by amosbatto ¦  Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:57 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Send the input document as BASE64 via REST API ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 6196

Sending documents as base64 worked the last time I tried it (2 years ago) with REST, but why do you need to send as base64? What language are you using?

I don't see those problems using PM 3.3.10 Community (manual install) in Debian 9.5 with PHP 5.6.37, Firefox 60.5 and Chrome 68.

What is your environment?

Re: Execute Trigger using web service not working

 by amosbatto ¦  Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:59 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Execute Trigger using web service not working ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 3432

Oliver, The problem is that the Dev team decided to remove the ability to login to web services using the hashed password because they deemed it a security threat, and it looks like the Documentation team wasn't informed, so the wiki is out-of-date. Here is what you need to do: $ws = new WsBase(); $...

Re: How to remove blank grid rows

 by amosbatto ¦  Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:03 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: How to remove blank grid rows ¦  Replies: 3 ¦  Views: 8027

You can use grid .removeRow() . If you want to remove blank rows when submitting the Dynaform, add this JavaScript code to your Dynaform: //set to the column number of the grid field to check if blank; counting starts counting from 0: var colNoCheckIfBlank = 3; var formId = $("form").prop("id"); $("...

Re: Changing the login page

 by amosbatto ¦  Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:00 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Changing the login page ¦  Replies: 10 ¦  Views: 11426

@amosbatto: Thankyou so much, it worked. Also, can you guide me, how can i remove this popup? If you check the box "Don't show me again", then it won't appear again. If you want to stop it from appearing in the source code, then see:

Re: Error displaying field names

 by amosbatto ¦  Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:37 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Error displaying field names ¦  Replies: 3 ¦  Views: 4756

You are probably encountering this bug:
See programmerboy's fix in the above thread.

What is your environment?

(Example: PM 3.3.10 Community (manual install) in Debian 9.5 with PHP 5.6.13 and MySQL 5.7.17)

Re: mysqli_free_result() error

 by amosbatto ¦  Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:30 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: mysqli_free_result() error ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 6949

In your php.ini file, try adding:

Also, what is your environment?

(Example: PM 3.3.10 Community (manual install) in Debian 9.5 with PHP 5.6.17 and MySQL 5.7.17)

Re: Problems in importing plugins

 by amosbatto ¦  Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:21 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Problems in importing plugins ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 4767

Press F12 in your web browser and go to the "Network" tab of the browser's debugger. When you import the plugin, do you see any errors in the network calls (i.e, any HTTP status numbers that aren't 200 or 201) In your env.ini file, set: debug=1 Then, see if any errors appear when importing. What is ...

Unfortunately, we don't have much documentation on plugins. Here are a couple examples: Create a PM Table I will try to find time to create an example for you showing how to create tables with a plugin. Set the PM Table on plugin's setup page because some pe...

Re: Changing the login page

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:15 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Changing the login page ¦  Replies: 10 ¦  Views: 11426

Re: Changing the login page

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:52 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Changing the login page ¦  Replies: 10 ¦  Views: 11426

Edit the file workflow/public_html/index.html and change the line: <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;URL=sys/en/neoclassic/login/login" /> To: <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;URL=sysworkflow/en/neoclassic/login/login" /> Edit your pmos.conf file and inside the virtualhost definition add th...

Re: List cases based in a variable

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:12 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: List cases based in a variable ¦  Replies: 3 ¦  Views: 4806

How can i do this: "You need to create a Report Table and export the variable that you want to use to the Report Table. "? Presumably you have a variable named "City" in your process. Create a Report Table and add City to the list of variables in the Report Table. Note that City has to be in your l...

Re: Set Date

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:06 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Set Date ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 3971

This won't work: $("#dateOfTermination").setValue(ExpiryNewDate); You need use this format: $("#dateOfTermination").setValue("YYYY-MM-DD"); or: $("#dateOfTermination").setValue("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"); See: Maybe if you explain what...

Re: Case exists in DB but not in Processmaker Advanced search

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:59 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Case exists in DB but not in Processmaker Advanced search ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 8241

I don 't know why the case isn't appearing under Advanced Search. Can you do this database query: SELECT * FROM APP_CACHE_VIEW WHERE APP_UID='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; (where XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the ID of the case) And then paste the results as plain text (or as spreadsheet) so that I can see th...

Re: Getting User Data via REST API from LDAP

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:49 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Getting User Data via REST API from LDAP ¦  Replies: 44 ¦  Views: 25124

Now I want to assign my second used from the second dropdown that I got name and surname from the rest. I want to use "value based assignment" for that purpose but I could not manage that. Can you recommend me some instructions or samples that I can have a look? The UID of the user needs to be in t...

Re: Administrator of PM cannot see User Name in Reassign box.

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:30 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Administrator of PM cannot see User Name in Reassign box. ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 5346

You should consider upgrading to see if that fixes the problem.
Just don't upgrade beyond 3.2.1. See: ... _upgrading

Re: Generate an excel file via trigger

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:39 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Generate an excel file via trigger ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 3570

To generate an Excel file, you can use PhpSpreadsheet. Maybe this example will help you understand how to use it (although this example is to read an Excel file, not generate it): However, it is much easier to generate a comma sepa...

Re: Timer event

 by amosbatto ¦  Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:06 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: Timer event ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 6345

Is there a way to stop the task until value of variable become 'true' .. I can't use a loop because I do not want a large load on the server. How is the variable being set to 'true'? Another branch in the same case? Another case? An outside program that writes to the database? Here is how you would...

Re: Can i create the new site via REST API?

 by amosbatto ¦  Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:27 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Can i create the new site via REST API? ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 6282

Glad to hear that you got it working. We set up the wiki at so that people can post their code if they want to share it.
I haven't been using github, but feel free to modify the extraRest plugin and post your changes.

Re: Report tables not stroring the paused status

 by amosbatto ¦  Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:21 pm ¦  Forum: Developing processes & programming ¦  Topic: Report tables not stroring the paused status ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 4888

Yes, that's a bug. The paused information is saved in the APP_DELAY table, but the "Case Properties" info is taken from the APP_DELEGATION table.

Unfortunately, it won't be fixed, because the developers are only fixing critical bugs for paid clients in PM 3. The development has moved on to PM 4.

Re: ProcessMap via REST API

 by amosbatto ¦  Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:00 pm ¦  Forum: Using ProcessMaker 3 ¦  Topic: ProcessMap via REST API ¦  Replies: 16 ¦  Views: 12154

I don't know of an easy way. You would have to read the info from the database to draw the map.

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