Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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I'm trying to download an Output Document using the API (Get Output Document) that I have uploaded to a case via an external application. However, when i make the API call i am hit with the following:
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You don't have privileges to access with those credentials.
The documentation on this call says that a new security feature restricts this access. I have tried to overcome this by setting permissions to my user (admin) on the case. The access_token to make API calls i'm using is one granted with admin credentials. Is this different from a valid login session that the documentation suggests?

I can download the document fine from the front end.

Thanks so much,

document.png (42.13 KiB) Viewed 10555 times
permission.png (51.26 KiB) Viewed 10555 times
The easy solution is to disable session validation. Edit your workflow/engine/config/env.ini file and add the following line:
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disable_download_documents_session_validation = 1
Of course, that turns off all security, so anyone can download the files.

If you want ProcessMaker to verify that the logged-in REST user has proper access to the file before downloading, then you can edit the source code of workflow/engine/methods/cases/cases_ShowDocument.php and change the source code from:
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if (empty($_GET['v'])) {
    //Load last version of the document
    $docVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastAppDocVersion($_GET['a']);
} else {
    $docVersion = $_GET['v'];

//Check if the user can be download the input Document
//Send the parameter v = Version
//Send the parameter a = Case UID
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if (empty($_GET['v'])) {
    //Load last version of the document
    $docVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastAppDocVersion($_GET['a']);
} else {
    $docVersion = $_GET['v'];

if (isset( $_GET['sid'] )) {
    Bootstrap::LoadClass( 'sessions' );
    $oSessions = new Sessions();
    if ($aSession = $oSessions->verifySession( $_GET['sid'] )) {
        require_once 'classes/model/Users.php';
        $oUser = new Users();
        $aUser = $oUser->load( $aSession['USR_UID'] );
        $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] = $aUser['USR_UID'];
        $bRedirect = false;
        if ((preg_match("/msie/i", $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) != 1 ||
            $config['ie_cookie_lifetime'] == 1) &&
            (!(preg_match("/safari/i", $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) == 1 && 
            preg_match("/chrome/i", $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) == 0) ||
            $config['safari_cookie_lifetime'] == 1)) 
            if (PHP_VERSION < 5.2) {
                setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + $timelife, '/', '; HttpOnly');
            } else {
                setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + $timelife, '/', null, G::is_https(), true);
        $RBAC->loadUserRolePermission( $RBAC->sSystem, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] );
        $memKey = 'rbacSession' . session_id();
        $memcache->set( $memKey, $RBAC->aUserInfo, PMmemcached::EIGHT_HOURS );

//Check if the user can be download the input Document
//Send the parameter v = Version
//Send the parameter a = Case UID
Also edit workflow/engine/methods/cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument.php and change the code from:
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$download = $oOutputDocument->Fields['OUT_DOC_OPEN_TYPE'];

//Check if the user can be download the Output Document
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$download = $oOutputDocument->Fields['OUT_DOC_OPEN_TYPE'];

if (isset( $_GET['sid'] )) {
    Bootstrap::LoadClass( 'sessions' );
    $oSessions = new Sessions();
    if ($aSession = $oSessions->verifySession( $_GET['sid'] )) {
        require_once 'classes/model/Users.php';
        $oUser = new Users();
        $aUser = $oUser->load( $aSession['USR_UID'] );
        $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] = $aUser['USR_UID'];
        $bRedirect = false;
        if ((preg_match("/msie/i", $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) != 1 ||
            $config['ie_cookie_lifetime'] == 1) &&
            (!(preg_match("/safari/i", $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) == 1 && 
            preg_match("/chrome/i", $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) == 0) ||
            $config['safari_cookie_lifetime'] == 1)) 
            if (PHP_VERSION < 5.2) {
                setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + $timelife, '/', '; HttpOnly');
            } else {
                setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + $timelife, '/', null, G::is_https(), true);
        $RBAC->loadUserRolePermission( $RBAC->sSystem, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] );
        $memKey = 'rbacSession' . session_id();
        $memcache->set( $memKey, $RBAC->aUserInfo, PMmemcached::EIGHT_HOURS );

//Check if the user can be download the Output Document
Then, download my extraRest plugin: ... /extraRest

Then go to Admin > Plugins > Plugin Manager in ProcessMaker and import the extraRest plugin. Then, activate it.

In your REST code, you can use this endpoint to obtain the session ID:

Then add &sid={session-id} to the URLs to download Input Documents and Output Documents.
For example: ... 1029627249 ... 1029627249

For example:
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$url = "";
$oRet = pmRestRequest("GET", $url, null, $oToken->access_token);
$sessionId = $oRet->response;
$downloadUrl = ""  . $sessionId;
$contents = file_get_contents($downloadUrl) or die("Unable to access file $downloadUrl");
Here is the code for the REST endpoint:
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     * Get a login session ID that can be attached to URLs used in ProcessMaker:
     * http://<address>/sys<workspace>/<lang>/<skin>/<folder>/<method>.php?sid=<session-id> 
     * Ex: 
     * @url GET /session-id
     * @access protected
     * @return string The session ID.
     * @author Amos Batto <>
     * @copyright Public Domain
    public function getSessionId() {  
        try {    
            $g = new \G();
            $sessionId = $g->generateUniqueID();
            $userId = $this->getUserId();

            $session = new \Session();
            $session->setSesUid( $sessionId );
            $session->setSesStatus( 'ACTIVE' );
            $session->setUsrUid( $userId );
            $session->setSesRemoteIp( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );
            $session->setSesInitDate( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
            $session->setSesDueDate( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( date('H'), 
                date('i') + 15, date('s'), date('m'), date('d'), date('Y') ) ) );
            $session->setSesEndDate( '' );
            return $sessionId;
        catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new RestException(Api::STAT_APP_EXCEPTION, $e->getMessage());
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