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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
I have created a new plugin according to the wiki. I add the option for access control to the new plugin, but the role can't create in database.and the plugin can't control access by new added permission(actually ,there no role and permission been created.). why?
Which version of ProcessMaker are you using? If using version 2.0, I strongly recommend upgrading to version 2.0.36, because it has a new plugin creation script which was designed for version 2.0. Did you activate the plugin? (Go to ADMIN > Plugins, select the plugin and click "Activate".)
THanks ,please be kind of you to help me how do ? just get :
propel-build-crud > generate basic CRUD files for an existing class
args: <class-name> <table-name> <plugin-name>
propel-build-db > create database for current model
propel-build-model > create classes for current model
propel-build-schema > create schema.xml from existing database
propel-build-sql > create sql for current model
propel-dump-data > dump data to fixtures directory
propel-insert-sql >...

plugin demo name: demo1

what's the class name for propel-insert-sql [class name] ,whats the class name?
OK, I finally figured out what the problem is. The new role and permission will only be created when the plugin is imported into ProcessMaker. You will need to use the gulliver pack-plugin script to create a tar file for the plugin. then import the plugin to your installation of ProcessMaker. (You need to import the plugin's tar file, even if the plugin already exists in the list of available plugins). Then activate the plugin and the new role and permission should appear in ProcessMaker.

I have updated the documentation. See: ... Permission

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